No knife runs - Questions
5 years ago

I'm currently speedrunning this game and my fastest time is 1hour 36 seconds on Claire B 60fps - however - i'm refusing to use the knife, mostly as i consider it a broken weapon and just, shouldn't be used - also its just personal preference i guess - but still.

My major questions are this:

Is it possible for me to have a "No Knife" category? Thoughts: The reason why im asking this is, without the knife its pretty much impossible for me to ever beat the WR for the current category, as in, using the knife on 60fps claire B standard.

If i do submit a run, knowing full well its not using the knife, should i still submit it to the 60fps claire b standard category? or do i need to submit to a different location? - the only difference between my run and the current WR time for claire b standard is that the person who has it, used a knife for the bosses, im not. Thoughts: I obviously feel this isn't fair for me to put against those who do use the knife, but yes, im fully aware that the majority of runners use the knife and it would be fairly weird for me to be a loner in my own category, but i still need to ask and get it clarified.

The whole reason why i would personally love a no knife category is, to encourage people to play against those who also refuse to use the knife in the game, feeling that its taking away from the experience of collecting weaponry and its ammo, progression, and difficulty of the content etc.

I mean, i doubt enough people care for there to be a no knife category, but i do, and thats merit enough for me to ask.

Hope you all have a lovely time playing the game ^_^

California, USA

It's completely up to you how you run the game. As long as you abide by the rules, you are free to post a run here. Will you get your own category for not using a knife? No. Although, the Category Extensions leaderboard forums would be a better place to discuss the possibility of adding it, as others have also thought about not swinging a knife.

SephJul and MBvideo like this

I also do run no knives and im currently 1 hour 36 seconds - i mean, i could submit to the claire b standard regardless, just so i can atleast have it up there, why not :)

but i did what you mentioned and posted my support for the no knife run category on the extension forums, so thank you.

Ontario, Canada

We already have a thread on this forum, since nobody looks at the CE forum.