What happened in this run
5 years ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I'm really sorry if this is not the proper place to ask about this, but I'm new here (and to speedrun in general) and I don't quite undestand what happens in this run from 42:26 to 42:28.

When you slow it down you can see the title screen pop up and then a camera "jump".

Could someone explain it to me please? I've never seen this happening in any of the other runs.

Florida, USA

That's odd. Where did you find this run -- was it on the leaderboards?

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Yes, it's currently placed 1st on Leon A Standard Console.

Florida, USA

Thanks for pointing this out, I've sent this to other moderators for review and I'm going to personally watch this run start to finish, now.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Thanks CursedToast. There is one other thing that I find a little weird: I've been running Leon A Standard (New Game) for a week now and I've never seen the zombie on 16:47 standing. Never even watched a run in this category where he is standing.

Florida, USA

At 16:47, Elliot has legs because this run is using a censored version of the game that's in Japan. Still in talks about the other thing you pointed out, by the way.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Ohh, thanks! I'm sorry about that one, then.


The frame with the title is definitely odd, the camera jump seems like it is adjusting after the door closes behind him.


I noticed the "jump" and the title screen pops up Is that normal?

Texas, USA

From everyone's runs that I've watched who had wr never seemed to have noticied them.

United States

The title screen flashes at 33:01 as well.

Florida, USA

----- Edit: I re-examined this later and we did more digging, please ignore the rest of this post and see ZGL's post below ----

======================================================================= Regarding this run in question: The mods have talked it over, and everyone active has agreed that there isn't any valid reason this should appear during a run.

I don't think this indicates the run is spliced, but there is not a valid reason for this to appear in the game in general. I was able to take screenshots of the timestamps mentioned, and it is indeed the title screen. Even having the video slowed down to 0.25 of the playback speed, it was hard to get a freeze frame of this, even spamming "K" on YouTube. It could be an innocent mistake in editing the VOD. But I have no idea how trimming time could cause this.

Regardless if it's a mistake or not, as a result of this, and to maintain integrity of the leaderboards runs, I have rejected the run located at https://www.speedrun.com/re2remake/run/yo2qrq7z

At time of writing, this makes OneCoolMan's 1h 00m 07s run the new world record.

With that said, this is very much a "blink and you miss it" sort of thing, so thank you very much to everyone that pointed this out.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
kibowman, VirgeOfCerberus and 3 others like this
Oklahoma, USA

At 33:01 if you slow the video down to .25 speed you can see that the light from the "secret weapon time" gun and the box on the right both shift suddenly. I can't for the life of me see the title screen like you guys are talking about though.

United States

So, the run in question here has been accepted again. After picking this run apart for the better part of today, it appears that it may have been a victim of YouTube processing issues. If you watch that very video from the same link as before, you will now see that the Title Screen no longer flashes during the times that we previously saw it. This leads me to believe that there was an issue with those frames and YouTube replaced them with the first frame of the VOD. After some time, it appears YouTube has corrected the frames with the ones that were supposed to be there. I don't know exactly how YouTube processing works, but I had downloaded the video when it had the title screen flash and I downloaded it now that it is missing and compared the runs frame by frame in the sections mentioned above, as well as taken a comparative look at the whole run, and the only difference is that the frames with the Title Screen are now filled in with frames that would have naturally occurred in play.

As for the light issue mentioned by @VirgeOfCerberus, it was something all of the mods that looked at this run noticed as well, probably because our ears were up because of the other issue, and that light adjustment is something that you can see happen during normal gameplay.

GG to Pinpuro on the WR.

Florida, USA

To add what zgl has said... In addition, we'll be more mindful of this sort of oddity (that nobody on the team has witnessed before).

In the original context, we rejected it with the best intentions, and many of us were contacted elsewhere about this as well. It was much discussion (spaced out over the course of several hours) before we decided to pull it.

When I re-examined it later and noticed it no longer happened, I brought it up immediately with the other mods and it was then that zgl did further examination. I hope everyone is able to understand why we did what we did at the time, and that it was with best intentions.

With that said, I'd like to apologize to Pinpuro for the confusion.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
zgl likes this
Illinois, USA

I may be able to give some insight into this. He is probably recording on his console like I do. If he is, he is most likely using share factory, a ps4 console app, to render and upload his videos. I have been using it for years and I have had this exact thing happen to me before. I cannot say for certain that sharefactory causes it, but I believe it to be so. Us console guys have it rough when it comes to recording man. Some of us don't have pcs and consoles just saying.

Soulless_Persona likes this
United States

The clip thing or even how YT process things is hella odd cause I also record through PS4 and I have seen some weird stuff and skips even using the "save clip" feature alone

North Carolina, USA

Glad to see his run was verified cause it was no doubt a legit run. GG Pinpuro!

Soulless_Persona likes this
Texas, USA

Good stuff mods and community :) it was just odd share factory or YouTube doing this. I've only used share factory once but I started doing mostly every capture through my PC on xbox. Thanks for clearing this up and resolving it!

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Glad it has been cleared up. I record my runs by streaming to youtube too and have had my share of problems. I'd like to apologize to Pinpuro for the trouble. I was really just trying to understand what happened. GG Pinpuro!