Frames Drops !
3 years ago

game settings all low + shadow cach ON + 1080p + V-sync off

Edited by the author 3 years ago

hey are you talking about the frame drops in certain areas of the game or constant stuttering? if its frame drops in certain areas (eg. rpd2) i think its normal because game is loading areas while you're moving through them really quickly, if its constant stuttering then im not sure because your pc specs are definitely more than enough for stable 120 fps. im running i5-9400F and a 1660 super and it can run relatively stable 120fps at 1440p low settings


not the certain areas in the game unfortunately , it's keep coming randomly in general and yeah that's weird it's ain't about specs i believe


ah well then im rly not sure what the issue is

Ohio, USA

Set to TAA, texture to 2gb, texture quality to high(aniso) x2, mesh low, shadow min, cache on, shadows off , reflections off, scattering off, vol lightning low, partial lighting high, ambient off, bloom off, lens off, motion blur off , depth off, distortion off, film noise off.

Those are my settings with a rx590 8g over clocked and a ryzen 3600 stock. I have no stuttering and only slight drops. Maybe high 90’s once in awhile. I drop to 70% on boss fights.

I think the settings are too low for you and the gpu isn’t working hard enough. Too much on your cpu.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
q8glider likes this
Ohio, USA

Here is a quick look at my settings. Yours should run well with this even at 1440p

q8glider likes this

thank you guys for the help believe it or not it's because RivaTuner ! i limited the fps with it then i change my mind to use Nvidia Limiting so i didn't opened the Rivatuner but somehow he also capped the fps so the fps limited twice now cause of Rivatuner as soon as i unstill it the problem gone and now totally fine

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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