'All Tournament Races' category?
7 years ago
Pomorskie, Poland

I feel like an All Tournament Races category would be fun (for me at least). There's already an 'All Horseshoes' category that almost no one runs.

What do you people think?


It could be a category, but you're going to lay out some rules. Does the run start from new game or a save file? Will you have a standardized savefile if that option is chosen?

I also think it shouldn't be included because someone will run it if it exists, it should be included because people run it. (All Horseshoes shouldn't be a category, for example, it simply exists because Shadow_Dog wanted it to exist)

hoxi likes this
Pomorskie, Poland

I was thinking about the rules a bit, with timing starting when you start the first race and ending when you finish the last race.

Although about the save or new game... I'm not sure, a standardized savefile sounds good, but I don't know how would people like it. There's also a run of this category already existing, Redlof done it, that's where I got the idea from.

Pomorskie, Poland

Seeing as the discussion kinda died (not sure if it was even alive...), I want to bring this up again. I did a run of it yesterday (which was pretty fun tbh) and will keep doing them from time to time, so the problem with people running it only when it'll exist on the leaderboards is gone, kinda. I also done a standarized save if people would want to use it. So pretty much everything is sorted out...

I also still want to hear some other opinions, I'm honestly curious what you fine people have to say about this idea.


All Missions is a legit category with a bad name, a REALLY bad name.

This "all tournament races" category is dumb as you don't start from a new game so way too many variables to take into account. Even having a default save everyone uses isn't really an option for this in my opinion.

hoxi and 39daph like this
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