Tips for a newbie?
5 years ago

I wanna speedrun this game, but I find it really frustrating. I've watched tutorials on how to do A tech and L/R-tech but I find it too difficult. I've also watched some videos from the series "zero to hero".

  • I lose control when I perform any of the techs. When I try an A tech I usually end up sideways in the grass which makes me slow down. It looks so easy in the tutorials, but when I try to do the exact same things I just completely loses control of the vehicle. Also when I hit the wall, the vehicle completely stops, but in the tutorials I'm watching, they make a tech around the wall with no problem.

  • The CPU is ALWAYS right behind me no matter how fast I drive. The reason this is frustrating is because they usually hit me with green/red shells (I know how to dodge a red shell, but it's not easy when they're right behind me). If I use a mushroom, I notice the CPU also speeds up.

  • Should I use the Barrel Train when I'm new? Because I find it hard to control. It's easier to control the toad cart imo, so I think I will stick with it until I get better.

I love this game, but it just frustrates me sometimes. My PB is 35:35, and I started speedrunning a week ago. Any tips are appreciated. :)

Gelderland, Netherlands

Toad Kart is fine if you're starting out, but really I would recommend the Barrel Train as you'll get used to the trajectory of the drift a lot more.

Don't try to a-tech for now. Just stick to doing normal MiniTurbos in your own speed. Make sure they're consistent, then slowly build up the speed. L-tech should be really simple (Hold R while mashing L), but don't bother with R-tech at all. Watch videos to learn the common racing lines, as this is where most of your time save probably will be. Don't try and go wide for just 1 MiniTurbo, but stick tight to the inside of the corner, or even just go straight forward on a straight if you can't get a MiniTurbo.

Time Trials are excellent to practice your lines and MiniTurbos, so I recommend playing a bunch of those. After all of that you won't see those computers anymore :D


Thanks for your response, Goomba! I will use your tips and practice a lot! I am watching the series "zero to hero", and I practice one map at a time. I love watching your runs, they're amazing! :)

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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