Category Request
7 years ago
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Okay so, hear me out, how about we finally get a leaderboard for wine (jless + ducked), there are two runs already done

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Added 2 Players 1 Controller

Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

hello hello! just wondering if a glitchless category could be added to LSD%, I already have a run done for if it does get added. Please and thank you! :D

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Added Glitchless and Legacy as subcategories to LSD% and Minecraft% (they now cover all main categories), since these are just visual changes on top of existing categories.

Also, for categories that feature all main categories as subcategories, No SLA Unrestricted is not included, as it's pretty much just a variant of Legacy, with Legacy being more relevant (they're barely different, so pretty much the only reason for Unrestricted to exist is for a free WR).

neptunestar999 likes this

Using a dual portal gun is allowed from the beginning

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

@LuckySwan "Your category should not be too similar to already existing categories. If your idea is just an already existing category with a minor detail added to it, it doesn't warrant its own leaderboard (this also goes for the main categories). If you are requesting a category where you get the upgraded portalgun right at the start, that only changes the run up to chamber 11."

  • from the thread that literally has the words "READ BEFORE REQUESTING A CATEGORY" in the title

"jetpack%" you have a jetpack. simple. its a quick and easy setup quick guide how to get the jetpack it's quite simple here is my run [23:06]

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Thanks for the request, but this won't get added for these reasons:

As far as I can tell, maps would be affected in 3 ways by Jetpack%:

  1. Map doesn't have any necessary elevation, leaving the jetpack useless.
  2. Map has elevation with a portal surface at the top, almost always making it faster to just portal up instead of flying.
  3. Map has elevation without a portal surface, allowing you to just fly up. I wouldn't consider this much of an interesting route lol. There could be some other applications in regards to glitches like saveglitch (allowing you to fly through the map without collision), but even then it doesn't seem much different from the 0 Gravity category. Also the choice of 15 as the vertical velocity to add per tick is pretty arbitrary.

what if jetpack% was sort of an extension to least portals? you would get a jetpack, and you are running least portals or it could be an extension of in bounds


In isg% inbounds no sla you would have to beat portal with the item save glitch on from the start without going oob or loading saves for glitches(because of the cubes you are still allowed to use saves and because of the glados cores.)

Edited by the author 2 years ago

cubeless% where you dont interact with cubes at all

Queensland, Australia

True 100%. Beat the Main Game Beat All the Bonus Maps Included with the Game. the Challenge ones must be all Gold Beat the Game Going though All the Developer Commentary. and optional. achivements

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

@derric_young Individual categories for All Achievements and All Bonus Maps (including the gold medals) already exist. Most of the dev commentary nodes are along the routes that NoSLA takes anyways, so that would probably just result in doing NoSLA strats for these maps. There is also a glitch (or possibly intended feature) with the commentary nodes that allows you to warp between them (within a map). There was some talks about a potential dev commentary category a few months ago, that might get revisited as its own category. But a "True 100%" combination of all these will not get added.

Also I would once again like to remind everyone to read the category request guidelines before requesting a category.

Queensland, Australia

the google translate mod. happens to be the most known video of it. it is publicly avalible. what do you think?

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

That's the same game with different audio.


Fire%, where you end the speed run when the loading appears after getting burned by fire in chamber 19

Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

just sounds like every other category in existence, just with a earlier ending

610_ and Goodigo like this
United States



companion cube euthanization inbounds%

start in elevator in chamber 17, end after GLaDOS says record


Edited by the author 1 year ago
United States

this is just an il of 17 that ends in an arbitrary spot in the dialogue

United States

yah but companion cube euthanization funny

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Individual Levels added + Least Portals


there is now an Individual Level leaderboard for Portal Category Extensions. The available categories for this are:

  • Least Portals (OoB, Inbounds, Glitchless) (kinda NEW!)
  • Softlock, Glitchless (NEW!)
  • Jumpless
  • Zero Gravity
  • 2 Players 1 Controller (OoB, Inbounds, Glitchless
1 year ago
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