Wall-clip guide
5 years ago

[17 january 2023 : this guide is very bad and there currently aren't alternatives. Also, IcKY has expectedly been answered in the server]

[At the 23 June of 2019, the guide in question was now moved to the "Guide" section of this leaderboard. This topic remains here so you can discuss about it] Hey. I have been planning on creating a ressource guide on this game for quite a while now. It took really long to make but the thing is done, at last :

Feel free to ask any questions about this, either right here or at the comment section.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
AmberCyprian likes this

I updated this guide to v1.1, by adding controller imput displays in two of the clips, and some text. Please now refer to that one :

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Washington, USA

ok so for the last skip where exactly am i jumping though to the top level? my clip:

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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Busy as always, I would often have a lack of time reviewing the new runs… leaving the task to only amoser and Neko (Harutomo being an honorary runner). They’ve been doing great, but you have to admit that two may be a bit light for a game

1 month ago