amoser as supermoderator
amoser as supermoderator
Posted 1 year ago by

At long last.

A new record on the game’s most historical category after more than a year.

The mysterious confines of the 37 minute depth, reached once again. And this time, in a groundbreaking dive. The 38 barrier is now fully open, and the road is being paved.

And I’m happy to say, that this is not just an accomplishment for this tremendous and dedicated Door to Phantomile speedrunner but also an honor.

This player was already a stark figure of the game thank to his activity and contributions. He was a familiar name in the high end of the leaderboard, always seen moving at top speed, and with potential for going beyond. He also improved speedruns by finding new strategies and optimisations. He had knowledge of the game like very few others, but wouldn’t hesitate to go on a length to explain it. Even if it means doing a run in the middle of the GDQ all alone. He actively participated in leaderboard discussions, and that not even just for DtP, but reaching to other games as well. And finally, he’s continuously been active and present for years.

But with this, amoser has now officially cemented himself as one of the greats. With a 26 second leap from his last PB which happened only a day prior, and cutting it out 23 seconds faster than anyone has.

And I feel that with such a resume, there is no question with him being a supermoderator for the game. For everything he has done.

Neko is among other things occupied about his DtP Wii remaster grind, but might come back to challenge this time. Or at least, improve his own personal best, further down the 37 minute area. After all, he has yet to learn some of the new techniques amoser employed.

And I myself would also want to own my own 37 min run in the future. Which doesn’t exclude the possibility of going deeper, although not taken for granted.

But, for now, it’s amoser’s time.

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amoser as supermoderator

At long last.

A new record on the game’s most historical category after more than a year.

The mysterious confines of the 37 minute depth, reached once again. And this time, in a groundbreaking dive. The 38 barrier is now fully open, and the road is being paved.

And I’m happy to say, tha

1 year ago