New 4-2 route (slow, not for saving time just for looking cool)
4 years ago
Michigan, USA

My dad showed me the glitch to clip into the blocks and I thought you might be to get a xpos boost from it, and you can. This loses a lot if framerules and shouldn't be used in runs, just wanted to share it

KilleDragon likes this

Cool, but it has been known for a long time.

Utah, USA

dang, i've known about this glitch since 1989.... it's actually one of the first ones ever discovered.

KilleDragon likes this
Basque Country

@merovich wow I doesn´t know there was a glitch discoered so early :v


could wrong warp possibly have been done by someone before andrewg discovered it? all it would have taken would be someone doing this glitch and then going down the pipe

United Kingdom

i've heard a lot of people they didn't know how to get to the vine so they discovered primitive wrong warps instead, some even claiming that they did similar methods that we use today like bumps. i'm almost certain that quite a few people did wrong warps and just assumed it was a legit part of the game

Thelxinoe, WoofMasterArf and 2 others like this
Pennsylvania, USA

I already knew about the wall glitch, this can be another way to do the walljump easily on 8-4, but there isn't really an another use for it if your going for sub-5 minutes. Plus, that will lose time anyway, so it really is only used for people who want to do the wrong warp easily. Still a good glitch though, it's just that it won't be helpful on WR attempts, or sub-5 attempts.

Michigan, USA

Yeah, I never meant for it to be fast at all. it just looked cool and was easy

Massachusetts, USA

I didn't discover the wrong warp. I just developed the real-time speedrun method. It's been known since 1985 I would guess to be honest.

KilleDragon and JJReed like this
Pennsylvania, USA

I completely agree with you Andrew, even though you discovered wrong warp for speedruns, this method might have been discovered in like the 80s or 90s.

KilleDragon likes this
Michigan, USA

Yes, my dad said he used to do the vine warp a lot and just randomly go down the pipe and end up in the warp zone without knowing the cause.

KilleDragon likes this
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