How to build magma portals
3 years ago
Nebraska, USA

Any video guides on how to build underwater magma portals? Can’t seem to nail down tue technique


This video by T_Wag shows different strategies for making magma portals


In the ideal scenario:

  1. Find a magma block pattern in the following shape: exactly 2 blocks (and no more) right beside each other, with another 3rd block adjacent to one of those 2 blocks at a right angle to the 2 blocks.

  2. Break the third block. Assuming the ravine is deep enough (which ideally it should be), the block below this magma block should turn into obsidian. Place a door on top of this obsidian and stand inside this door’s air column.

  3. You should be facing one of the 2 magma blocks. Place a block (or a door) on the direct opposite side of the magma block from where you are standing. Then, directly next to this block or door, place a door (or a two block high column). Ensure that you place this adjacent to the second of the 2 magma blocks (which you do not directly face, but rather diagonally.)

  4. Place a block on top of the magma block directly in front of you. This new block should be directly in your face. Then, mine the magma block below. This should expose lava without converting it to obsidian.

  5. Empty your water bucket into the water around you. Using your empty bucket, pick up the lava directly in front of you, then place it one block diagonally to the side. It should turn instantly to obsidian.

  6. Pick up the block of lava adjacent to the first lava source. It should be the lava that is under the second magma block that you are not facing. Then, place it on the opposite side of the 2 magma blocks from where you placed the first lava block.

  7. You should now be facing what appears to be a lava flow. Pick up the lava behind the lava flow (two blocks directly in front of you), and place it on the front of the top block of the two block high column (or door) diagonally opposite you, which you placed earlier.

  8. Having taken the lava source 2 blocks in front of you, now take the lava source block to the side of that lava source block. Hence, the four lava blocks you took should form a perfect square, with half of the square comprising the lava blocks directly under the two magma blocks. Take this 4th lava block and place it adjacent to the 3rd block, forming a 2 block high “ring” of obsidian underwater.

  9. Break the magma block in front of you and the magma block to the side of that magma block. Water should flow in and leave cobblestone blocks. Break those cobblestone blocks, then pick up the water source block diagonally opposite you. What you are left with is your nicely casted portal, which you can light up and go inside.

Occasionally, you may come across a ravine that isn’t deep enough. In those cases, you must learn to improvise and think on your feet. This usually involves breaking the two stone blocks at the base of the portal and transferring lava to those blocks before allowing water to cast the portal.

I hope this helps, and good luck speedrunning!

Edited by the author 3 years ago

or you could just watch the video

RowdyCat and benchbotch like this

True, I just felt like making a written guide for the hell of it

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