1-3 FPG setup
6 years ago

Note: This is not for those who will grab the mushroom in 1-3

I found a way to get 1-3 FPG while doing nothing special at all except for Sockfolder setup at the end. The platform that you HAVE to step on that happens to get in your way, you actually can stay on for a specific amount of frames (3 frames and jump on the 3rd or 4 frames and jump on the 4th, a 2 frame jump essentially) and simply do Sockfolder inputs at the end.

B1GEY3DPYTH0N, eddiecatgaming and 3 others like this
Alabama, USA

i had a setup different from this where i hit the last frame of the platform above the koopa. ill get it tas'ed rn

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  • For emulator runs below 4:57.000, some form of input display must be visible for the duration of the run. A hand-cam or input
5 months ago