Trying to go out of bounds in SMB1
4 years ago

In a nutshell, I used AISSON to fly high enough to the top of the screen so that the timer freezes. When the timer freezes, it apparently is still counting down, you can see me die at the end of the video because of that. To combat this, I unfreeze the timer so that the timer resets itself.

Doing this, I tried going as far right as I could just to see if there was some glitchy stuff that would occur. This is the result:

The video is pretty boring actually, but I wasn't expecting some of the stuff that appeared.

Such as at timestamp 6:36, where I realize that some of the blocks are actually solid and you can stand on them.

This averted some of my concerns that the cheats caused these glitches instead of the actual game, because sometimes, the top of the game can start flashing random textures due to the cheats.

Though, it only was just a single glitchy part that just kept repeating itself for the most part.

Thought this was worth sharing.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
KilleDragon likes this
Bretagne, France
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago


KilleDragon and WolfAeterni like this
Ohio, USA

If you do this with -1 in minus world ending, you get similar results. I seem to recall you also get random firebars and a couple of bowsers as well.

hitzcritz and KilleDragon like this
Basque Country


Edited by the author 4 years ago
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