How it's Practically Impossible to Enact Any Major Changes Anymore
1 year ago

Haven't posted here in a pit and thought I might try to start a conversation :]

I'm curious what people have to say about the matter: The fact that the SMB1 community is so large causes plenty of problems, but one I was curious about was the fact that most/everything that should be changed on the leaderboards has been thought up already. Because of this, very little change happens in the actual leaderboards (though we don't know what goes on behind closed doors.) What do you guys think? Does this hinder the evolution of the community/leaderboards themselves? What other things might contribute to this or are similar to this issue? Is it even an issue in the first place?

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Elijah likes this
Saarland, Germany

Why would there be an issue, the leaderboards are fine as they are atm. Recently they split NTSC and PAL which was a very good idea, so idk what they should change now


Well there's no change 'cause there's nothing to change in the 1st place. Yesterday we were discussing about the CE leaderboard and how most of the categories are too arbitrary, but we weren't able to come up with a new GOOD category 'cause SMB1 is very straight forward.

NTSC and PAL has been split which is something that should've been done years ago imo. I do think that some CEs belong on the main board (Glitchless being the best example), but right now no change is needed at all.

The leaderboard is mostly fine as it is now, the only change that could (and really should imo) happen is a revised mod team, as some if the mods don't even play nor care about the game anymore

Nebula_Composer, Echon and 2 others like this

Responding to RipJaws768: I never said there was an issue, I was just wondering what people think about this

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