FFX Leaderboard Changes
3 years ago
United Kingdom

Hi everyone,

The moderation team have decided to run a vote for some potential rule changes affecting PC speedruns. Please read this post in full before voting, thanks!

Suggestion #1 – Merging Any% and Any% English A long time ago, a decision was made to divide language into two categories. This was primarily done to make the game more accessible and lower the learning curve for newer runners.

We would like to revisit this decision for a few reasons: • Categories other than Any% are becoming more and more popular. Right now, these categories are strictly limited to English, which can be considered unfair for non-native English speakers. • Runners that struggle with this learning curve can play in their own native language and compete on the same leaderboard. • The time saved from language is less significant at beginner levels of play and would generally be discouraged for newer runners. This would be similar for the new RNG manip strategies.

Suggestion #2 – Turbo In more recent years, the use of turbo is gradually becoming more commonplace, and we would like to hear your thoughts on making turbo the standard for FFX PC.

Currently, we are defining turbo as: Any method, mechanical or programmatic, which repeatedly inputs a single button press. For the avoidance of doubt, any method which maps a single human input to multiple unique key presses, button presses or game inputs is expressly forbidden.

Why now? FFX speedrunning (PC in particular) is about to be shaken up in a big way at the top levels with the introduction of some major RNG manipulation developments. This means the top times on the leaderboard will all start to improve by sizeable chunks. This makes for a good opportunity to make major rule changes without having to obsolete the best times, since the route developments will be doing this anyway. Voting rules We have decided that all runners with a time for any PC category can vote on this poll, or have otherwise been known to complete a run but did not submit. The results will be published. The results will be anonymous. A vote will need to reach over 50% to pass The voting will be locked after approximately 10 days from today (23:59 UTC on Tuesday 24th August) Vote here: https://forms.gle/PUS9PpVDWCVm3Jpt9 Thanks!