Using LiveSplit with FFX remastered PC version
5 years ago
London, England

Hi. Hoping someone can help.

I've setup OBS with game screen capture no probs. I've downloaded LiveSplit and all the required additional files to run with the game run and captured that screen in OBS.

It's got all the splits etc listed and enabled in the settings, but when i run the game the timer doesn't auto start when i select the 'Original' music(it doesnt auto start at all). I've also tested several times past the first split listed (Sinspawn Ammes) but it doesnt record a time.

Reading all the info, i thought it auto captured game start at the music selection and as i pass each split segment.

Am I missing something here? Do i need another setting or file? Or have i got this completely wrong and you have to manually mark a split time within LiveSplit as i pass each segment?


London, England


I had already done all of that from the guide. But i reset it and setup it all up again. However ---> Same result. Doesn't auto start timer or auto update splits.

Any other ideas what might be the issue?


United States

make sure you're not getting the error "splits doesn't recognize this as 1.0.0 file" and make sure you're on that version. there was a patch that updated the game, but got reversed. so just make sure you're not on the updated version that got taken down on steam. and also-to make sure. You are on the PC version I'm assuming? because this obviously won't work on ps4 etc.

Sometimes when I open the game, it'll give me an error message that pops in the background(so make sure you look for it) saying it doesn't recognize it etc. all you have to do, is close and reopen the game. but if you got it set up correctly. it should by all means work easily


Repatch your game to the lower version:

Command is: download_depot 359870 359871 5168047039601173807

Currently the autosplitter to being updated to fix this issue. No ETA.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
London, England

OK, so it's taken a while but...

Have uninstalled everything and done clean installation of game from steam and resetup the LiveSplits.

Took ages as have shared wifi so v v slow download rate.

Anyway, it's worked! All good now. Auto starts and records splits as expected.

So i'm thinking it was something to do with my game version.

Thanks Nightbox & DTG.

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