Can HScroll be allowed if on macOS?
3 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

The mod is a fabric mod that just fixes scrolling if shifting on macOS ( Otherwise you cannot scroll when you're crouched. I've set shift to sprint so it stops me from changing item when I am running also.

Pathwa likes this
Hong Kong

you should try to change the shift key and rebind it to something else using an external software, I do not think the mods will allow a fabric mod tho


What do you use as your crouch key? This could affect the scroll wheel in a way because I know that there are many unchangeable keybinds on the mac.

You could also switch to using hotkeys to select the item in your hotbar as opposed to scroll wheel. This can be faster sometimes as well.

As for your shift problem, I'm not sure about that. Shift is my sprint key as well and I can change items while running perfectly fine.

btw, I am on macOS Catalina 10.15.6 on a MacBook pro-2019



RowdyCat likes this
United States

No other mods are allowed

United States

just dont use scroll wheel lol

New South Wales, Australia

Sorry for the late reply. My crouch key is z. I don't know what version of Minecraft you were playing, but it only affects 1.13+ (I think). I use a Razer mouse, when I use the trackpad and scroll vertically it goes, but not with my Razer mouse. If you look on the project page ( it says that all it does is "basically swaps out the default scroll handler for a custom one which translates horizontal scrolling into vertical scrolling". You could literally read all of the code in 5 minutes and see that it would not give an unfair advantage. I use hotkeys on occasion to switch to items, but when my hand is already on the mouse, and I simply want the next item across I currently have to let go of shift, then scroll, and then press shift again, half the time I forget to let go of shift and die etc. This mod only fixes a bug specific to Minecraft 1.13+ MacOS that most people will not run into as they play on Windows. Can you please reconsider SpeedNintendo, I think that it is unfair for me not to be able to scroll to my items using my mouse, I would personally say that using Sodium gives more of an unfair advantage than this mod does, as anyone on Windows (most players) can already scroll properly. But either way, thanks for considering it!

United States

There's gotta be a way to fix scrolling in MacOS, right? I know a few people who use mac and have never had an issue like this running the game. Outside of that, we will probably not be allowing any more mods (and I am not qualified to look through the code for it).

New South Wales, Australia

I think it's a Razer mouse issue, do they use Razer mice with Razer Synapse on macOS Catalina? If so, I'd like to know what I can do to fix it. Who would I ask to have the mod considered if I cannot solve it another way (which I'd rather do)?


@hamarb123 I'm on mac too and so it probably is a razer mouse problem. However... it is better to switch to hotkeys anyways instead of scroll wheel.

macOS Catalina, I run 1.14 mostly which is 1.13+

New South Wales, Australia

Thank you for letting my know. I'm aware that using hotkeys is better, but I'm still in the habit of scrolling and expecting the item to change. I'm also scouring the web for solutions to this problem, but it seems the only other possible solutions would either be paid or something I'm yet to work out (eg. Karabiner script / something else to remap horizontal scroll to vertical scroll). I assume that something like karabiner script (outside of the game) would be allowed, please lmk if it's not.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

I've been searching for months for a fix for this outside of using hscroll and I have yet to find a solution that works other than rebinding crouch to a different button. As far as I know this is a probably with all external mice on mac with the exception of, presumably, Apple's magic mouse (which has the issue of having no physical scroll wheel so there's no way you could be precise with it).

The issue is that since 1.13+, Minecraft updated LWJGL 2.9.2 to LWJGL 3.1.6 build 14 which presumably messed with the scroll detection on mac. There is a system default modifier on holding down shift to convert vertical scroll input to horizontal. Apparently LWJGL or Minecraft as a whole no longer accommodates for that so when you hold shift in game now since 1.13+, Minecraft reads it as a horizontal scroll instead of the vertical scroll it's expecting. So basically long story short, Shift + Scroll on mac modifies the scroll input to a different input the game doesn't recognize and ignores it.

As far as I can tell, Karabiner doesn't have the functionality needed to fix this, as it seems to be missing a way to actually detect a scroll wheel input. So far the only external program I've found that can disable the horizontal scroll was "Mos" but it introduces it's own problems forcing smooth scroll to be on which overrides the discrete scroll function in game meaning 1 scroll click scrolls like, 4-5 inventory slots with it.

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