Why does Jamie change her skin and name
2 years ago

I was just wondering if anyone knows why Jamie (Emmy) has a different skin and name in all of her runs


why not ?? why do you bother

Edited by the author 2 years ago
LeafpoolSR, BlindTravel and 3 others like this
New South Wales, Australia

Cuz she wants to

He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

they're all cheated fake runs and it's a different person doing each one

falu, leto_saa and 3 others like this
United States

wanna know why hes asking this question? hes from Banglade-

Edited by the author 2 years ago

@imAconnox RIP - yo que se - 2022: Lo funaron por ofender a los asiaticos y al final lo doxxearon y se lo mandaron :v

Aberdeen, Scotland

@Shmalex you're joking, aren't you?

Washington, USA

@LukeSaward yes it's obviously a joke

New South Wales, Australia

@JoeNathan11 that was a joke

Basque Country

i dont even know who is lol, i guess she likes to prove with the apparence and stuff for fun idk

Just because why not, she probably uses different instances all with different skins so its fun to just switch up every now and then

Edit: The names things is just a feature of MultiMC if you launch offline so different instances means different names if she selects "Launch Offline"

Edited by the author 2 years ago
leto_saa and Abhirup_0 like this
Madrid, Spain

who is that person and why does it matter?

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