Category Suggestion: Individual Levels
2 years ago
Texas, USA

Speedrun A Level Individually. Time Starts Like Any%, And Time Stops When You Touch The Flagpole Or The Axe Of A Level.

Would Be Cool If Yall Added This!

EdiblePi likes this
United States

why do you have the start of each word capitalized Also that sounds good, but they could be easily optimized

B4ndit and EdiblePi like this
Michigan, USA


B4ndit, Broran01 and 3 others like this

I swear this is gonna be asked for 4 times a year for the rest of humanity.

For future reference, the answer will always be no lol

ultra_exists and Lunkhead like this
Texas, USA

The answer is no because for every level other than 8-4 can be perfected because of framerule consistently right?

United States

Due to frame rule, it would be timed in igt but like I said, unless it goes to ms like 8-4 IL, they will be 31 free wrs.


It wouldn't be free WRs. It would just be "who's able to do TAS accel in 31 levels?"

Also, it would be extreme pain for mods to retime runs. Imagine just 20 people submitting all 32 levels. That's 640 runs to retime just for 20 players

ultra_exists likes this

This would be an amazing suggestion If it was for any other games, with a game as optimized as SMB1 Where every little thing matter, Individual levels would just Be tons of work for the mods with no real reward for the SMB1 community. Plus everyone would get Easy WRS No times would be beaten and the category would die instantly. Good idea, wrong game

SpeedIn likes this
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Requirements for High-Level Any% Runs

Any% (NTSC) runs below 4:57.000 must now fulfill additional requirements in order to be verified.

  • The run's full session must be included in the submission description.
  • For emulator runs below 4:57.000, some form of input display must be visible for the duration of the run. A hand-cam or input
5 months ago