rules update
8 years ago
Texas, USA

what are the rules for this game


There don´t seem to exist any particular rules. But I think as for the timing it should start when the loading screen is done and stop when the score screen appears since you can`t skip cutscenes. One could make categories for different difficulties.


@moderators here for this game, the any% rules are not really correct as you get automatically to the bonus level after completing the "Aetherium" level. Complete all 17 levels would make more sense for any% and timing should end when the IQ infobox appears since cutscenes can´t be skipped. Btw are you even planning on doing some runs for this game and if yes what platform on?


Here a suggestion about the rules:

1.) I don´t know the N64 version, but from looking at some videos and reading the gamefaq here: it would make sense to have seperate leaderboards for each version.

2.) The PC version has six difficulty settings: Very Easy, Easy, Intermediate, Hard, Very Hard, Doctor Jones (translated from German, not sure what they are called in the English version). The changes among these difficulty settings is mainly the damage you can take from enemies, so having a leaderboard for each difficulty seems to be too much, also considering that the game doesn´t have any runners yet, lol. I think having a variable for the used difficutly would suffice here.

3.) The current any% rules state: "Timing starts as soon as you gain control of Indiana Jones. Timing ends as soon as you lay the final blow to the final demon girl boss." Don´t know about N64, but the PC version ends after level 17, which can be either "Aetherium" if you buy the secret map before or "Return to Peru" if you don´t buy it. Also the game doesn´t end when you kill the fused Marduk, you have still to escape.

4.) Another point is you can´t skip cutscenes and they can be everywhere, at the start, in the middle and at the end of a level. A level starts normally when the loading screen disappears and ends when the IQ box appears showing your results of the level. To have have a consistent timing and because some recording software doesn´t record the IQ box, I suggest to change starting timing to when the scene starts to fade in after the loading screen and end when the scene faded out before the IQ box appears. For the full game any% it probably is enough to end when the credits start rolling after last level, but that happens after the last custscene fades out anyway.


I don't think of Peru as a necessary level of the any% speedrun tbh since it is a extra level and it doesn't belong to the main story of the game. But yes the rules are wrong since you need to escape the aetherium before the level ends. In my opinion it should end after the fadeout of aetherium.

I believe any% should be run on very easy since you take less damage which shortens the time for 2 reasons: first reason is you don't need to collect as much health items to heal and second reason being that you die viewer times and you can play more carelessly.

It it also faster to play on very easy since enemies are often 1-hit kills which saves ammo, time and health which therefore save time to pick up treasures and ammo because you don't need as much of them.

And yes N64 verison and PC version should be two seperate runs.


From story standpoint it makes sense, but the problem with skipping Peru is you would skip content and end even though the game isn´t over yet. The credits don´t roll in Aetherium either if you don´t buy the map for Peru. About difficulty I agree, but maybe someone wants a challenge, so leaving a variable for difficulties like in the Half-Life boards wouldn´t hurt. Another things I forgot about ILs:

1.) imo ILs should be viewed from a standalone point of view, which means only anything from start to until the box that appears at the end is of importance. So for example in Pudovkin level you can finish it without getting Azerims part and move on to next level, but you will miss that part and you will get stuck in Meroe. In a full game run a problem, but not in an IL with this definition.

2.) ILs should be run without autosave since it is easily abusable (easy to edit out failed attempts). Maybe having an extra board for segmented runs is the solution here. Although I don´t have a clue how to deal with it in full-game runs, it kinda sucks... Another idea would be to give some sort of time penalties for using it, I´m not sure here.

And the "Glitchless" category... not necessary for now i think unless someone wants to do it. Even then glitchless what? any%, 100%, ILs? btw this is only about PC version, I dont have a single clue about N64. Heck i even just found out there is a GBC version of this game..


But you can access the Peru after the 5th level, so its not the end either. A any% run is long enough as it is, you don't need a bonus level for more content, thats what 100% runs are for.

But i agree on what you said about the IL runs and a glitchless category isn't needed at this point (or ever tbh) since the any% run is pretty vanilla as of now. Atleast compared to other speedrunning games.


Yes you can, but you don´t get the credits which mark the end of the game, if you complete it before Aetherium. When you buy the map then you get the credits in Aetherium, if not, then in Peru.


I updated the rules and added the IL board. I think sticking with 'any% ending at the final credits' makes sense for the time being, since it is more convenient to discount one level afterwards in case a majority agrees with leaving out Peru than having runs being invalid if this rule prevails and people only run 16 levels. Any more ideas and suggestions?

Texas, USA

@Molotok thank you for all the hard work you are doing.

Molotok likes this

Btw if you or Brendon Meares know any glitches for N64 or find any then don´t hesitate to share them here. Would be good to have some info about them in the glitchless category topic.

Texas, USA

there really isnt any glitches that can help progress throught the game that i have been able to find. i see it as almost impossible. but here is a video of some of the glitches and things that i perform. maybe this will help someone else find a way to skip.


Restructured the Full-game leaderboards a bit so that it looks more compact and all kinds of categories are covered.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Texas, USA

is there a way to get rid of the difficulty option for the N64? the N64 does not have a difficulty setting and i do not know how to edit the leader board in an effective way.

Texas, USA

my runs are not showing up after i submit them. some sort of site bug maybe?


It`s weird you can see them on the overview but when you click on the level it is not displayed there. It must be a bug.

@Jesse_Porter: Apparently you can access a harder difficulty with the "REALHARD" passcode, so there are two difficulties according to the gamefaq. But still not 6 like in the PC version. The GBC version doesn´t seem to have any, while it has less levels. I guess I will make a research on the differences of the versions and make a new topic. Then later we can adjust the leaderboard properly I hope.

*Edit: I restructered the leaderboard, removed a few variables and added new ones. Now the main categories are the different platforms instead of the actual categories like any%. Hope it is better now.

@Brendon_Meares: Resubmitted your runs, they seem to appear now. Still not sure why it didn´t before.*

Edited by the author 6 years ago

Short question about the timings: for the N64, does the time stop running when the final cutscene of a level triggers, or when the screen fades out? Because if it's the latter then the timing for the submitted run of Canyonlands would have to be recalculated. It's clearly longer than 3m33.


I´m not sure either, it is up to the N64 version mods to decide the timing for the version they run. From what it looks they time it when you gain control and stop when you lose control of Indy. So they need to update the N64 rules if it is the timing they want to use. GBC rules probably also needs a change since there are no cutscenes or quicksaves and such, I will look up some youtube videos and then update them.

*Updated the PC rules and added that the game should run @60fps. Also updated the GBC rules. Timing starts when the health bar becomes visible and ends when it disappears at the end of the (last) level.

Also looking at some videos I am not certain anymore if the IQ system that was explained in a FAQ i read is correct for the GBC version. Maybe I will just play through it myself for fun. :p*

Edited by the author 6 years ago

I'm so jealous, I was never able to find a cartridge of the GBC version that wasn't awfully overpriced! Do you actually play with a cartridge, or do you play on an emulator?


Emulator, I don´t have a GBC. Works nicely on Virtual Boy Advance, the controls are surprisingly not that bad. And apparently the FAQ was wrong since it appears that I get 50 IQ points anyway. Need to play to the end to see how it works though.

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