Umm...SNES Classic?
6 years ago
South Carolina, USA

Why is the SNES Classic listed as a way to play Super Mario Bros. 1? Is there a way to unlock it within a game or is this just a mistake?

iplaymario124 likes this

I believe what they meant is that Super Mario Bros. in All Stars (or what I like to call Super Mario Bros. Remastered) for the SNES is considered a way to play the game, and still considered a console that is allowed.

SNES just means the original hardware or bootleg systems, but still play the original/reproduction games.

SNESClassic means it HAS to be on the original hardware, and play on the original game, not a reproduction.

OK, those last two paragraphs are just my thinking and my opinion, not a moderators’ explanation.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
iplaymario124 likes this
South Carolina, USA

I understand SNES because it has All-Stars but The Classic Edition which is mentioned in Leery's post does not feature all-stars and has NO way of playing SMB1 therefore it would not be listed as a platform.

iplaymario124 likes this

All Stars is a way to play it though, as mentioned in my last post. I think you mean that the game’s graphics are different, therefore it’s not the same game.

Michigan, USA

You can modify the classic systems to play more roms

KingOfJonnyBoy likes this
South Carolina, USA

But that's not official so it shouldn't be listed as a platform.


I’m confused about that last reply... what isn’t official?

Oregon, USA

The SNES classic does not have smb1 with it in any way, shape or form, so therefor it should not be listed.

Yoyofruits, coolestto, and TMLink like this
Oregon, USA

If you don't know, you can't put cartridges in an SNES classic.


That is true, but maybe they meant All Stars. That’s the only explanation I can come up with.

South Carolina, USA

Modding SNES Classics is not official so it shouldn't be a platform.

South Carolina, USA

And All Stars is Snes only, not Classic so one of the mods should take Snes classic off.


I finally get what you meant, and yes, modding an SNES Classic isn’t official, so now I agree it should be taken off from the console listings.

NOTE IF YOU ARE CONFUSED: NES cartridges WILL NOT, I repeat, WILL NOT fit properly/be able to process, since NES games were only meant for it’s original hardware, not for other consoles. It’s like trying to a a Wii U disc in a SEGA Genesis 2400, like mentioned earlier, will not fit properly/be able to process, since it’s only meant to fit in its original hardware, not for other consoles.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

It appears they already allowed a run using a hacked SNESClassic:

Colorado, USA

Emulators aren't official either.

We have quite a few VC runs on the leaderboards and it wouldn't surprise me if some of those were people who hacked their Wii to put more roms on them without buying them. So I personally don't see a lot of difference between loading roms on a Wii and loading roms on the SNES Classic. Framerate should be the same between the two systems and they are slower than original console and PC emulators.

Nolmy, JakeOlet, and KingOfJonnyBoy like this
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