Getting Over It Speedrun 1:13.224 World Record
4 years ago
Victoria, Australia

By montage to you mean splice? He's not cheating. He's livestreamed himself playing and there's plenty of videos of Blastbolt being good.


what is he trying to show


It makes sense when you try to watch that specific part of the video a couple of times. I agree, it does look like a splice, but like Crumpet, i too trust Blastbolt 100%. I'm sure that either the game lagged a tiny bit, the broadcasting messed up a tiny bit, or that the hammer simply just moved a lot from one frame to the other. Blastbolt doesn't cheat.

natgoesfast likes this

Why in the world would blastbolt, multiple time confirmed WR holder. Splice a WR by .3 seconds when it's not even 1:12. Ffs.

Pixic, Codyumm, and Vanya like this
Massachusetts, USA

That is a dropped frame. We're missing 50.780, and it instead goes from 50.747 to 50.813. Because of this, it appears like the hammer moves twice as quickly. Having a an occasional dropped frame is completely normal and is not indicative of "montage"

Wisconsin, USA



I arrive a little late, but the record and not to fake, a lag can come from the effect of speed is possible in any game. So there was no trick. THE SUBJECT IS CLOSED !

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