Golden Pot % category??
4 years ago
United States

There already is golden snake.

tntjack65 and EclipseFlames like this
United States

How do you propose this even work?

Would you need to complete 50 wins in one sitting starting from a clean black pot? Few people would ever do that, and anybody that did would be somebody that already has gold pot.

Is the requirement just having gold pot? Probably everybody on the glitchless board has it. Also wouldn't be a timed category at that point and has no place on SRC.

Kind of sounds like you are simply asking for a list of people with golden pot. Unless you have more details you left out?

tntjack65 likes this

Is there any discussion about Getting Over It Golden Pot still going on??

Edited by the author 1 month ago
He/Him, She/Her
1 month ago

golden pot%? a great idea

i suppose you neednt start with a clean black pot

just beat the game 50 times

the final result is the total time of IGT for each run

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