an issue with the current system
2 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

I know im 4 years later, but at this moment in time, both IOS and Android are included in one catagory, being mobile, but I would argue they should be seperated into two. My reasoning for this is that the force quit strat dominates the leaderboard, and it makes the leaderboard unfair to any android user, as there is no way to optimise the time any lower then IOS currently.

JarmezGD and ILikeMario like this
United States

this would create even more leaderboard clutter than there already is, and there is also no guarantee that android will stay slower than iOS forever. Specifically, if load times on the Windows Subsystem for Android see improvements, Android could actually overtake ios.

Also, if you would like to break down the mobile section by platform, you can do so using the filters button.

grnts, Gaming_64 and 3 others like this
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