tas 4-1 FPG Help
3 years ago

Hi guys. so i am making a tas. i did 1-1 fpg, 1-2 pipe clip. But 4-1FPG. Link to the image: https://prnt.sc/18g6u91 yep it is a weird position, i have never seen it before in the internet or youtube. i tried many setups and inputs but none of them work. Can anyone help??

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Well, it's the exact same setup as 1-1


@WolfAttacK dude it just doesnt work

Basque Country

yea is the same human setup in the step than 1-1 , land on that very edge WITHOUT running, after landing run for 2 frames and full jump, should work if doesnt work maybe you didnt run the whole level without slowing down or something, but should work if you ran the whole level and human setup gets the perfect framerule so you did fast accel?

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Virginia, USA

fast accel changes subpixels so don't do it

Basque Country

ye thats why you also can be more profesional an manip subpixels by yourself given that after all is a TAS

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Yes!! i finally did it, i removed the fast accel. Thanks you guys so much for the supports

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