Minecraft Speedrunning Questions Thread
9 years ago

One question.

Is demo still count?

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demo has its own category

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demo is basically ssg but instead of it being an incredible seed with all the stuff you need its just some random team some developer picked.

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also @Pooply i know that post is 4 days old but just so you know, your position in the nether portal wont affect spawns. The reason top runners position themselves that way is to get a good angle when coming out of the portal to start running to the end portal

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South Korea

One question, are you allowed to die in a speedrun?

Salisbury, MD, USA

Im pretty sure you can

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@Saori unfortunately that's incorrect, the position in the portal does matter. You may use this video as reference https://www.speedrun.com/mc/guide/t8jf3. It's an outdated guide, but it proves my point. by standing in a different position, you spawn in a completely different area. You're free to ask any other ssg runner to confirm this as well

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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Pomorskie, Poland

So basically I did a speedrun and I recorded it but the file is to big for my internet connection to actually upload it on youtube. What do I do with it? Can I stream it while a proof moderator will watch it? The file is 32GB and my stupid Internet connection is crap. In that situation. What do I do?

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Pomorskie, Poland

@Etherealxx wdym by cut the run

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North Carolina, USA

Hey I've been wondering something... Is gamma 5 allowed again? I've seen some speedrunners use it and I've seen accepted runs with gamma 5 but the rules on the website still say options.txt must remain unchanged. Any clarification would be greatly appreciated

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United Kingdom

Could you reduce the quality of the video? Like, reduce resolution, or compress the audio if you recorded that. Then the file will be smaller and you can maybe upload it

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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@ArcticSky Yes gamma 5 is allowed. The mods had a discussion about it and idk when they will come to a decision. But for the time being , gamma 5 is allowed...

North Carolina, USA

Awesome, thanks for the help!

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Czech Republic

can you change difficulty during a run?

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@haha_h_pawn_go_brmmm yes you can, as long as you don't change the difficulty to Peaceful. The final difficulty setting when you submit the run is the lowest difficulty you set it to at any point in the run.

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Wisconsin, USA

Can you submit a run that is done on a server? If so does it matter if the server is Vanilla or Paper Spigot?

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@Flak no u can not, unless it is specified as a co-op rin.

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@Flak no u can not, unless it is specified as a co-op rin.

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