Illumina's WR
3 years ago
Washington, USA

@gustav2649 it sounds like you're just mad yours got rejected lol. They'll have world files and everything and he's a very well known player so it should definitely be accepted


They announced after reignex’s wr that all runs with fabric API will be instantly rejected

MinecraftGaming likes this
North Brabant, Netherlands

What does fabric api do? And why is that so bad?


It wont be rejected cause of fabric API since the mods checked his minecraft to see if it was modified right after the run

Cookie1284, TrenttheN642 and 4 others like this

i think illumina is one of the people that you can trust with this kind of things, i wouldn't expect him to cheat at all

Cookie1284 likes this
North Brabant, Netherlands

@Penguen482 Anyone can cheat, you never know.


Then I’m sorry to say that I think that that’s a bit biased and if you don’t get a WR run mods won’t investigate and will reject and it has been 22 days since the statement came out. I’m not saying I want it to be rejected (I think it’s real) but if it gets verified it doesn’t show well on the mod team and all this leniency with fabric api has to end eventually. Sooner or later some cheater is going to find a way to cheat the system and there will be more controversy. But after all I’m not a mod so I have no say in this goodbye

North Brabant, Netherlands

@Cubing_Cinematics To which post is that a reply to? Also can someone tell me what Fabric api does and why is so bad?


That post was to Yoopicul and Penguen. Fabric API allows you to load mods which are not allowed which modify vanilla minecraft. Sodium, Lithium and Phosphor do not require fabric api.

Minnesota, USA

yeah there's no way that the mods should reject the run due to the fact that he had Fabric API. Illumina is a very trusted runner I see no point in doing so. Even though there is the rule of "No Fabric API", it wouldn't make sense for the mods to ban something this grand by such a well-known and respected runner.

muma likes this

Same , I do not see the mods rejecting Illumina's run at all, mostly because he's so trusted and was a mod before, I definitely don't see him cheating a wr but (hopefully) you're right

Basque Country

lmao i had no idea about! GG pog

TrenttheN642 likes this
Washington, USA

It’s crazy that couri held the wr for like 3 months and now that times been beaten at least 6 times in the past two or three weeks that blows my mind

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Cookie1284, Karl_Maks and 2 others like this
Washington, USA

There’s like ten sub 15s now and I still can’t get a sub 30😂

Cookie1284, PoisonousSkely and 3 others like this
United States

@muma i throw all my sub 30s

i don't think anybody's questioning that illumina did it legit, but I think rules should be consistently enforced. if illumina used fabric API it should get rejected.

zt29 and arnaud33200 like this
Minnesota, USA

@muma i cant even get out of the nether in a speedrun

Toronto, ON, Canada

@strawby 100%, same rules for every submission, sadly that would mean the run will be rejected :(

AntBlueR likes this
New York, USA

Maybe the mods will be lenient one more time, who knows...

Toronto, ON, Canada

in his new twitch channel he mentioned about it, apparently "It should be ok"

AntBlueR likes this
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