Applications of down+right
7 years ago

I wanna bring this here in a central place where people will notice, because the information is scattered and partly new:

  1. swimming Holding down+right while touching the ground after swimming makes you deaccelerate slower than if you hold right. Works the same way as holding nothing while on the ground, but when you continue swimming again you start accelerating immediately.

  2. walljump On a backwards walljump, holding down+right will prevent you from facing right again, if you don't jump on the first frame.

  3. keep facing left I sometimes found this useful in Lost Levels SNES when I jumped to the top of the flagpole already facing left (because I dodged a Goomba on the stairs or whatever).

  4. bullet bill glitch If you do darbian's method, you can start holding down and then down+right to get the jump to the next block without risk of pressing right too early and turning around.

  5. precise jumps from standing In 1-2 of Super Mario Forever I found I can jump into a 1 block gap with 100% consistency, if I hold down, then down+right and do a full jump.

  6. fast acceleration after grabbing a power-up If you grab it so that you don't land on the block while facing left (like when you clip into it from the right side), you can hold down+right to prevent Mario form turning around and gain the faster acceleration from facing left.

  7. shooting while landing When you want to shoot a fireball just as you touch the ground after a jump, you should let go off right or hold down+right to prevent the instant reduction to walking speed that comes when you hold right but not B on the frame you touchdown on the ground. There is not really an advantage of down+right here except maybe finding it subjectively more convenient to hold down than to let go off right.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
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