About TLauncher
3 years ago

Can I run in TLauncher and upload it?? Will it be accepted?? What are the rules??


From the official rules:

Optifine is allowed for versions 1.0 through 1.15 Fabric, Sodium, Lithium, and Phosphor are allowed for 1.16+ If you use Optifine, please read the detailed mod rules at http://bombch.us/DOOK All other mods are banned

Puplee, zaaatch, and Yoopicul like this

Isn't TLauncher a cracked Minecraft launcher, not a client?

Gman369 sounds more reasonable. BTW, I don't use optifine. I play in Minecraft 1.16.1. I just use gamma at 5.0. That's it. No packs or anything.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Yeah, there is no way of telling if it's a cracked launcher in singleplayer Minecraft. But of course, it's preferred to actually buy Minecraft since technically cracked launchers are probably illegal.


I’m too broke to afford minecraft as of now, so I’ve been using Tlauncher for my runs. I’ve uploaded two runs so far and both were accepted.

While cracked launchers itself are technically illegal since they are a form of internet piracy, they give no competitive advantage and are basically indistinguishable from the real thing when playing singleplayer, so as long as you don’t make it obvious you’re using a cracked launcher, you should be fine. All you need to show in the video is the run itself, as well as the screen before the world creation (the singleplayer worlds menu).

zubayerh101 likes this
United States

benchbotch: it's fine as long as you don't make it obvious that you're using cracked Minecraft.

also benchbotch: I used cracked Minecraft in my runs.

picbear likes this

Yeah. There's a lot of players like me. I understand. Thanks btw. And, what mods can I use?? I use gamma at 5.0. I used it at 100 but came to know that using more than 5.0 is not allowed. Is there anything else?


Sodium, Lithium, and Phosphor are the only mods allowed for 1.16+ as they are only for performance. Optifine is allowed for 1.15 and below but there are restrictions which you can see here http://bombch.us/DOOK

Things like toggle sprint or any other mod are banned

Alaska, USA

this is glided BTW

TheNetherFrogGaming Did you submit any run?? Did it get accepted??

California, USA

@TheNetherFrogGaming it's nothing like an emulator though, and therefore shouldn't be counted as one

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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  • (1.20-1.20.6) StandardSettings 1.2.4 has been ported to 1.20-1.20.6.
  • (1.19+) Planifolia 1.0.1 for 1.19+: supports launching without Sodium for gamma 5 by itself and fixes a visual desync of the entity culling option when it is set via StandardSettings
  • **(1.19+)
8 days ago