How to submit a brand new run category
6 years ago
United States


I just did glitchless 200% pacifist which I know doesn't exist as a category here. How do I submit the run to Speedrun.Com?

diggity likes this
California, USA

Glitchless 200% Pacifist is just a glitchless 200% run where you get pacifist on all the Run and Guns, I assume? If so, submit it under 200% Glitchless.

For everyone's future reference, the only categories we are tracking are those that are currently on the boards at that time. Feel free to run whatever category you want, but if it does not follow the rules of any of the already existing categories, we will not be tracking it. Submitting such a run to the boards will result in a rejection as a result.

That being said, if a new category falls under the rules of an existing category as in the example at the start of this thread. Feel free to submit to the already existing category. As long as it meets the requirements, it will be accepted.

Tl;dr - We are not creating new categories at this time. If a run meets the conditions set out by an existing category, submit it there. If not, just don't submit it. Doing so will cause the run to be rejected (not to mention that the mods will be upset for wasting our time)