Advice for my first run.
3 years ago

I'd like to try run this game and I have a few questions before doing it:

  • The most important question is: Is GNU/Linux allowed? I have the original game, original Launcher and original account but I'm an Arch Linux user. My last kernel update was on Oct. I haven't customized my kernel it's just pure bleeding edge (until Oct. 2020) from the pacman repository. I use GNOME desktop environment. The thing about saying those details is becase I don't know if they actually matter when it comes to run Minecraft.

  • Is it required to stream every single attempt? I mean I can but I have a potato with a hard drive attached. Without streaming I'd be more efficient on my fps and performance in general. I'm not aiming for top place on the leaderboard I just want my name on the leaderboard. I don't really care if I finish a run in 1 hour or in 12 hours as long as I can see my name in the list.

  • Am I allowed to record at 30 fps? Again potato PC.

  • Is optifine allowed? I want to run only 1.8.8 version (it's my favorite).

Thanks in advance for your replies :)


I'm pretty sure playing on Linux is okay if you have the original launcher and everything, I'm not 200% sure tho

It's not required to stream any attempts, it can play in your favor if you get a really good run so people can see that you've been grinding for a while on stream and you don't come from nowhere, but you can get off stream runs accepted as well, in both cases, I would recommend taking a look at this :

Pretty sure you can record at 30fps yes

Optifine is allowed for every version prior to 1.16, so you're good, also if you're planning on running RSG I'd recommend 1.7.2 instead of 1.8.8, pretty much the same game mechanics and strats but the endermen are easier to kill

benchbotch, Puplee and 2 others like this
Bavaria, Germany
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

It's okay if you record at 30 fps or just record your Run in general, as long as your Run isn't on an impossible basis. If that's not the case, you should be fine. Longer Runs aren't that suspicious in comparison with new WR Runs.


I read it all and well.. It looks complicated but I will give it a try. There’s just one thing I didn’t get all all. It says that I need to have like 5 PBs before posting a run but I don’t have any I’m just starting. Do I need to finish 5 worlds, choose the best one and submit it?

EDIT: I mean it mentions about progression and it is important (I get that) but if I understood it well that means that I cannot submit the first ever PB but rather grind a while before submit one, right?

Edited by the author 3 years ago
ArticianSR likes this
United States

not true, feel free to submit your first completed run


I see, well, time to grind! Thanks for the info I definitely give it a try.

Edit: typo

Edited by the author 3 years ago
ArticianSR likes this

@Mingura666 that 5 PB thing is for runs which are insanely fast like sub 20 for 1.16 and sub 25 for 1.9-1.15


Just an FYI, VRplayK is Russian and isn't very well versed in English so he was using google translate at that time. Basically, if we're gonna be honest, it's impossible for someone to just come out of nowhere without any knowledge of speedrunning to take a top spot. However, luck does reside in rsg runs, but you're bound to come under scrutiny if you get an insanely fast time out of nowhere. Obviously, if your run is legitimate, then you should not worry about anything as long as you follow all submission rules. With that being said, follow what Antoine said

Mingura666 likes this

@Pooply Yes I understand that a super fast time can’t come out of nowhere. I’ve been playing Minecraft for a while now but never as a speedrunner. I know the route and what to do but I don’t have any advanced strats to perform. I’m pretty sure the run I’ll be submitting will have a couple of in-game-days searching and killing Endermen among other newbie stuff LOL.

All my main doubts have been cleared thanks to Antoine and subsequent replies. So far the only big doubt I still have is that I play on GNU/Linux but pretty much everyone in this thread has told me to not to worry about that.


@cubing_cinematics is the 5 PB thing absolutely necessary? I believe I have 4 separate PBs at the moment and I’m doing my best to target a sub30 run next. Do I really need another 30+ PB before I can submit a sub30, or is that rule bendable?


Well on first day of trying, my first run was going so well until I looked at the timer.

4 hours and still 10 Endepearls away. LOL.

benchbotch likes this
Missouri, USA

I would suggest learning your area better and learning which seeds are worth it to you. Like one you notice a run is dead just dip.

Mingura666 likes this
Nottinghamshire, England

Imo you dont need to stream every attempt just video evidence like a normal recording is generally accepted You can go gor 30 fps although i believe it would be faster to run at 60 fps The other things im not sure about cos i dont speedrun minecraft


@Mingura666 4 hours?? LOL, you should’ve reset long ago. Props to you for the stamina though, I don’t think I could sit in one world for 4 hours just to try and beat the dragon.

Also, it sounds like you’re probably going about things the wrong way. I strongly suggest that you watch a few videos of top speedruns to see and learn the right ways to get a much quicker time. Don’t be afraid to reset when you get a bad world, top runners reset all the time. It’s necessary if you don’t want to waste all your time doing a 4 hour long run. Ideally, all normal runs should be completed within an hour or so.

ArticianSR likes this
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