Posted 9 months ago by

UPDATE: 15/10/2023

Grammar has been updated on several rules for better understanding. Formatting has also been updated for better readability. Some of the changes are duplicated from the Exoddus' rules update from 23/08/2023.

General game rules:

  • (Removed) The sole exception to this rule is in Exoddus where the fart/roll input and Enter Key input may be mapped to the same button/keypress because it simulates the PS1 controls. You may map the same input to multiple buttons.

This rule only applies to Exoddus, it has been removed because it doesn't affect Oddysee in any way.

  • (Updated) All full-game runs now require the runner to do 2 restarts anywhere that they choose. If the does not do the 2 restarts then 5 seconds of IGT will be added to the final time.
  • Some full-game categories require the runner to restart their game twice during the run. If the runner does not meet the category requirements, then 5 seconds of IGT will be added to the final time.

The previous statement was false, as Any% and Good Ending don't need the runner to restart their game.

  • (Updated) Runs performed on emulators (including RELIVE) are temporarily banned.
  • Runs performed on emulators or RELIVE are temporarily banned.

RELIVE isn't an emulator. That rule has been rephrased to avoid confusion.

  • (Moved) Except for Any% and Good Ending, the runner must restart the game at two different points:

This has been moved to category rules, matching the number of resets needed in the said category.

  • (Updated) Resetting two times during the run is required in order to prevent any issues from occurring during the run, and therefore, the time spent from touching the checkpoint until the game is loaded and Abe is playable again will be removed from the in-game time (up to a maximum of 40 seconds per reset).
  • Resetting during the run prevent any issues from occurring, and therefore, the time spent from touching the checkpoint until the game is loaded and Abe is playable again will be removed from the in-game time (up to a maximum of 40 seconds per reset)

Removed the mention of requiring to reset two times, to avoid redundancy and because it is not the case for every category.

  • (Updated) Spending more than 40 seconds during a reset will cause any additional time to be added to the runner's in-game time.
  • Spending more than 40 seconds restarting the game will cause any additional time to be added to the run's in-game time.

Rephrased for better understanding.

  • (Updated) Resetting a third time will not have time removed from the in-game time, which means that the third reset’s time will be included in the in-game time.
  • If the runner restart their game more than stated in the category rules, any additional game reset will not have time removed from the in-game time, which means that the additional resets' times will be included in the in-game time.

Removed the mention of the third reset, as it can be different in some categories. Rephrased to encompass categories' different rules.

  • (Removed) All full-game runs now require the runner to do 2 restarts anywhere that they choose. If the runner does not do the 2 restarts then 5 seconds of IGT will be added to the final time.

This rule was stated twice the exact same way. Removed one instance to avoid redundancy.

Individual Level rules:


  • (Updated) All runs must show the level selection menu in order to be valid.
  • Except for RuptureFarms, all runs must show the level selection menu in order to be valid.-

RuptureFarms IL runs are started through the begin screen, therefore this statement wasn't exactly correct.

Zulag 2

  • (Added) For Console runs, The level ends on the first frame where Abe has completely entered the final door to Zulag 3, as there are no yellow Mudokon face appearing in this case.

There wasn't any specification on when the run was ending there due to the yellow Mudokon face not appearing at the end. It is now mentioned when the run truly ends.

Zulag 4 + The Boardroom

  • (Added) For Console runs, the level ends on the first frame where the gas timer reverts back to 2:00., as there are no yellow Mudokon face appearing in this case.

There wasn't any specification on when the run was ending there due to the yellow Mudokon face not appearing at the end. It is now mentioned when the run truly ends.

Console specific rules:

  • (Added) Runs are starting on the first frame of gameplay, after the loading screen disappears.
  • Runs are ending on the first frame where the Boardroom timer reverts back to 2:00, or the first frame when the yellow Mudokon face appears at the end of an individual-level.

There wasn't any specification on the when the run was starting and ending. It is now mentioned, corresponding to what have been voted on Discord a few days ago.

Category rules:


  • (Added) The game must be restarted at two different points during the run.

This rule has been moved and rephrased from the general game rules. Present in every category except Any% & Good Ending.

  • (Updated) The ledge glitch (going through the ground) is not allowed.
  • The backwards jump glitch for going through the walls, OOB, or avoiding fall damage is not allowed.
  • Auto-turn delay in order to go through floors/walls thanks to glitches like the backward jump is not allowed.

Similar to Exoddus' rule update, regrouped everything as ATD, because it is banned as a whole. Removed fall damage mention to avoid redundancy with Skyfalling. Present in every NMG category.

Good Ending

  • (Added) The game must not be restarted at any moment during the entire run.

This rule has been moved and rephrased from general game rules. Good Ending didn't have its restart rules written anywhere before.

Maximum Casualties NMG

  • (Updated) Reach the end of the game and kill all possible mudokons (89).
  • 1 will be rescued and 10 will be unkillable.
  • Reach the end of the game with 89 Mudokons killed.
  • This counts 88 normal Mudokons, plus an extra one.
  • Ten will not be killable, and one will need to be rescued.

Updated to be more precise, and to match Exoddus' rule wording.

Maximum Casualties

  • (Updated) Reach the end of the game and kill all possible mudokons (89).
  • 1 will be rescued and 10 will be unkillable.
  • For PC runs:
  • Reach the end of the game with 90 Mudokons killed.
  • This counts 88 normal Mudokons, plus 2 extra ones.
  • Ten will not be killable, and one will need to be rescued.

As of 15/10/2023, 90 is now the maximum Mudokons you can kill in this category. The goal has been modified to match this new amount, and Exoddus' rule wording.

Due to these changes, the runs done on these previous rules have been archived. They can be found at this place:

  • (Added) For Console runs:
  • Reach the end of the game with 91 Mudokons killed.
  • This counts 89 normal Mudokons, plus 2 extra ones.
  • Nine will not be killable, and one will need to be rescued.

The Mudokon you can kill solely on Console at the end of Stockyards wasn't mentioned anywhere, even though it is required to kill him for Max. Casualties runs.

Thank you for taking the time to read through all of this! Stay odd!

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Posted 1 year ago by

New Categories

Yes, you read the title correctly, we are adding 2 more categories. ?

Added Good Ending NMG and Added 50/50 (glitched)

These were added mostly for consistency. Since each of these had its counterparts added it only seemed fair to add in the opposite versions and flesh out the boards.

Mandatory Restarting

This is something that some people weren’t entirely sure about but restarting has never been mandatory. Well, after this vote it now is! All runs must do at least 2 restarts on them for every category (besides Any%). So, what does this mean for older runs that don’t have the two restarts? Currently, as it stands: nothing. Simply because the rule was just now put in place, we don’t want to punish older runs for not following it since they couldn’t have possibly known about this change. Moving forward, this means any run that doesn’t do the 2 restarts will have to suffer some sort of time penalty. The moderators will come to a decision on how much it would be in the coming weeks. It has to be something fair for all runners but not too lenient so it can be taken advantage of.

Restarting Anywhere

This is another big change that is being implemented. Runners will now be able to do the 2 mandatory restarts anywhere they choose. Previously it was in the selected spots determined a few years ago by the moderation team. These positions will remain in place as basic options for runners to take but people can choose whatever spot they want.

Community meme made by @MarkTheW0lf featuring @BlueCandel

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Posted 1 year ago by

Alright, big changes are afoot and more are inbound

[center]Max Casualties[/center]

It’s been in contention for a bit about having to kill all of the muds in Rupture Farms. Technically when you run through the whole area the score counter updates to ‘28 killed’. However, it does feel like the overall spirit of the category isn’t in the right place. So, with this most recent vote, we’ve decided that having to kill all of the muds in Rupture Farms will now be required.

What does this mean for all of the current runs on the board? Well, they are technically invalid. However, we will do what we’ve done in the past for this situation. When a new run is uploaded that abides by the new rules, all previous runs will be submitted onto a forum and be invalidated.

[center]The D.D.G. (Death Delay Glitch) Returns![/center]

After many years of hibernation, the D.D.G. is once again allowed in all glitched categories. Previously @LegnaX was the first person to use it in all categories back in 2018. The decision to ban it seemed very spur of the moment. The genuine reaction to the categories being obliterated sent the community into a state of panic and in turn, caused the D.D.G. to be banned abruptly. Now, since the years have passed it’s been determined that a return for this important glitch is welcome.

It’s important to note the auto splitter will have to be updated by @LegnaX before it will be able to function properly in Good Ending and Max. Casualties. Since both of those are going to have alternate routes because of the D.D.G. When it is updated a small announcement will be made. The runs are still possible to be run with I.G.T. just won’t have a functional auto splitter until it’s been fixed.

[center]Removing 100% Mosaic Lines IL[/center]

This individual level has always been in a difficult spot. As it stands the other two categories (Any% and Any% NMG) require the player to exit the IL in unique ways. Any% must take the D.D.G. and leave via the bird portal into Firevire Zone. Any% NMG is just the non-glitched route that ends with the player taking a well. 100% was the line between them, keeping the player from doing the D.D.G. and also taking a well with doing glitches. However, it’s very redundant to have this category since no muds are saved regardless, so 100% just doesn’t make sense here.

[center]Separating Category Split Files Again[/center]

A few months ago a mega pack was made which had both Scrabania and Paramonia first splits inside. However, since then it has been determined that doing Paramonia first is faster (only by a frame!) so the pack is going to be changed and reverted to individual splits once again with Paramonia first. If people want to do Scrabania first they can change the splits manually like before! The trial sequence in Paramonia Temple will also be changed since it was discovered that doing Trial 4 first inside of Trial 3 is faster. (The trials will be renamed to Trail 3 and Trial 4 accordingly.)

[center]Potentional Changes For IL's[/center]

During this vote, one that did NOT go through was separating endpoints for Scrabania Temple and Paramonia Temple. A follow-up vote will happen soon going over different options with these since many different members have differing ideas about how these ILs should be handled.

If you would like to participate in these votes, join our discord below and start getting some runs in!

All changes can be found on our change forum

Happy Running!

~ Marcus Raxal ~

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Posted 1 year ago by

It's official! Entries are OPEN for Oddspeed's very first race tournament. To enter, direct message me, @GeekyLucii, with your interest, and I will send you a runner's pack (once I've ugh... written one ? ).

This is a great opportunity to showcase some Oddysee runs, and your stream(!), so even if you're not the fastest Abe in all Oddworld, please do take part! It will be a lot of fun!

The deadline for entries is 10th Nov, with the first matches set to begin 28th Nov. The draw will be live-streamed on the 17th Nov.

General Information

  • The tournament will be a straight knockout of head-to-head races of Abe's Oddysee Any% NMG.
  • Matches commence from 28th November.
  • Each week will be assigned one race.
  • The runners will organize the race between themselves, choosing a time that best suits both.
  • Each runner will stream their POV so we can all watch!
  • Depending on availability, we may have commentary!
  • Any seeds awarded are based on the fastest recorded PBs on Speedrun dot com.

Thanks to @l1ndblum for the images and for co-hosting the event.

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Posted 2 years ago by

UPDATE: 10 - 06 - 2022

Updated grammar on various rules to make them easier to understand.

Main Rules

  • (Removed Rule) If a run has been submitted with single-core affinity without the runner's knowledge, then IGT will be increased by 20%. However, if the run features single core affinity exclusive strats or it is determined that the runner tampered with it manually, then the run will be invalidated.

This rule isn’t needed. The runner should be aware that the game has been altered. If it has been determined that a game file was modified, or some other external software was used, the run will no longer be valid.

  • (Removed Rule) The use of RELIVE is banned for now but test runs in this version are encouraged. The developers of RELIVE will fix all speedrunning bugs in any% NMG/100% NMG and the cinematics. Also, the RELIVE version will have a better sound module than the OG that will possibly sound more like the PSX version with better music, sound effects, and voices all at the correct pitch.

RELIVE will not be accepted in the current state. However, it is encouraged to test it.

  • (Removed Rule) Foreign versions are allowed.

Seems redundant. They have never been forbidden.

  • (Updated Rule) Spending more than 40 seconds during a reset will cause the run to only lose 40 seconds on that section, and the rest will be included inside the run. Changed to, Spending more than 40 seconds during a reset will cause any additional time to be added to the runner's in-game time.

  • (Removed Rule) If the player makes a save file the exact file must be loaded. If any other file is loaded then the run will be invalidated.

The rule already exists in the restarting section.

  • (Moved Rule) Duplicating mudokons on any category will not be accepted, whether it's done for saving them or killing them.

The rule was put onto every category specifically.

All rule updates can be found on the main forum page.

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns ask them below or join the community discord

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15-10-2023: Console, rule clean-up and Max.Cas new kill count

Grammar has been updated on several rules for better understanding. Formatting has also been updated for better readability. Some of the changes are duplicated from the Exoddus' rules update from 23/08/2023.

  • (Removed) ~~The sole exception t
9 months ago
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