Texas, USArtay2 years ago

hells yea

Texas, USArtay2 years ago

extremely based, tysm gamer

Texas, USArtay2 years ago

great job man !!! ur movement is so fucking good, im jealous /nsrs btw, apologies if this is overstepping boundaries, but what r ur pronouns?? i dont see them listed anywhere n gumi and i both wanna make sure we're referring to you in the proper manner ^^

Texas, USArtay2 years ago

HOLY FUCK SOMEONE ACTUALLY POSTED A RUN first off, we are both SO sorry it took us a month to fucking verify this, i pretty much completely forgot about this with the release of Splatoon 3 coming soon and a bunch of other shit that was coming my way second off, i had absolutely no clue you could walk over the holes at ~1:55??? what??? that's both really cool and also really dumb that it lets you do that but i ain't complaining third, that's some damn good routing! aside from that moment with the clock around ~10:10, that was, like, near flawless. my fat fingers could never </3 but yea tysm for submitting a run, gamer! we are both so sorry ;v;

thread: Talk
Texas, USArtay2 years ago


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Texas, USArtay2 years ago


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thread: Speedrunning
Texas, USArtay2 years ago

The game I requested got verified today! Here's the run I submitted. It ain't the best, but I'm happy with it being the first run on the leaderboard.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Oh_my_gourdness, and
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Texas, USArtay2 years ago

This comment is also a test, teehee.

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Texas, USArtay2 years ago

A pretty simple question, in my opinion: what's your favorite food and why? My favorite is fried chicken because, well, I love chicken and I love fried foods! Second place is probably croissants, I had them a lot at my grandparents' house so they're really nostalgic for me.

grntsz, Ivory and 6 others like this
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Texas, USArtay2 years ago


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thread: Speedrunning
Texas, USArtay2 years ago

I did it! I requested Bevel's Painting. The game's not really popular at all so that might affect if it gets approved or not... hopefully it doesn't, though! I'm just glad I got a run I liked enough to upload to Youtube, lmao.

Jubilee likes this
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Texas, USArtay2 years ago

Agreed (even though I do really enjoy FNaF.) I never got the appeal of Star Wars, to be honest.

thread: Talk
Texas, USArtay2 years ago

To be fair, Minecraft itself is a bit overrated too (no malice meant to those who like the game, I've loved Minecraft since I was a kid.) Kinda makes sense that an overrated game is also overrated in the speedrunning community.

thread: Talk
Texas, USArtay2 years ago


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Texas, USArtay2 years ago

If you're into true crime stuff, I've always loved watching Forensic Files. Not only is it super intriguing and informative, but it also doesn't treat the cases covered like a fictional story that you can make jokes out of (although the names of the episodes dip into that kind of territory a bit.)

Oh_my_gourdness and
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Texas, USArtay2 years ago

I've taken this test quite a few times over the years, and I always get INFP-T!

Dynajay likes this
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Texas, USArtay2 years ago

People who rage at video games (to the point where they're, like, destroying things due to their anger) should probably seek some sort of anger management therapy or play games less often, for both their sake and the sake of others.

~Sincerely, someone who used to rage like that when playing games

((Also, people who record someone having a meltdown like that and do essentially nothing to help them are (excuse the language) massive dickheads, and I don't understand how people find most of that kinda stuff funny.))

thread: Talk
Texas, USArtay2 years ago

How many speedrunners does it take to change a lightbulb?

For ten seconds it was dark. Suddenly there was blinding light, a heart-stopping metallic thrum and then the hum of a yfrog-splivalent dongle working overtime in the forefront of my widochet rectum. RIP app thromixult-whatever it was. Turns out, the news now has broken that Riskrunner is overpowered, or else "completely unwinnable". If you have one when you masterus and wonder, Lenn, surely you have two flaws at my higher than schema promotion levels? MEHDJAHAN DESWARMA: Coming soon another set of text errors.

Oh_my_gourdness and M_CBL_ like this
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Texas, USArtay2 years ago


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Texas, USArtay2 years ago

RPG Maker Horror Games have a special place in my heart; they're what introduced me to Markiplier and ManlyBadassHero.

stoic_rose, YUMmy_Bacon5 and 3 others like this
About rtay
20 | yo mama
2 years ago
1 month ago
Games run
Bevel's Painting
Bevel's Painting
Last run 2 years ago
Games moderated
Bevel's Painting
Bevel's Painting
Last action 2 years ago