thread: Speedrunning
Montana, USAalkaline_ice6 years ago

So, the problem with JRPGs is that they are almost always long, and and even more almost always longer than an hour to an hour and a half.

However, I do have two games for you that can be beaten sub 1:30, although you probably won't start out beating them that fast. They're all GBA titles. Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword fits the bill entirely. Then there is Shining Soul and Shining Soul II. Shining Soul II can definitely be done sub 1:30 in many ways, and has been proven to be beaten (at least once) sub 1:00. The first one hasn't gotten as much love, and the world record is over 2 hours, but it isn't optimised very well and I bet it could be done sub 1:30.

Good luck!

Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago

Welcome to the community then. I hope you have great luck with whatever game(s) you decide to run.

Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago

Also, on that same vein, you can check the forum for little topics discussing strategy and tips. A lot of games have discords too, and people are generally happy to help teach you stuff.

thread: The Site
Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago

@Xelna Both of the mods for that game are active on Twitter, at the very least.

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thread: Cave Story
Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago

Actually, looking into another topic and catching up on this game's forums answered my question. Apparently all the console versions are different enough that they aren't included here.

I'll go ahead and submit for a different game later. Thanks!

thread: Cave Story
Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago


So, Cave Story is a great, great game. It's also a great, great game on other platforms beyond the PC. So quick question on this subject. If someone wants to do runs on another platform, can a category be opened up? Or should they submit for a new cave story game that only includes consoles and redirect PC runs to here?

thread: Talk
Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago

I'll do it, but don't put me in the raffle.

Editted: There you go, one more done.

Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago

Oh, hey, I learned something new. I thought it was pay regardless.

Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago

This isn't definitive by any means, but Speed Runs Live has a great list of tools for speedrunners to use. Using the broadcasting software, you'll just use the Elgato feed as one source for the screen. Between OBS and Xsplit, specifically, I'd start with OBS, if just to get used to the software and the way things work first. Xsplit you have to pay for, and unless you know about it and have a feeling you actually want to pay for it first, you probably shouldn't. Not when there are good, free alternatives.

thread: The Site
Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago


I'm putting an exact copy of myself in StrawberryMilk's shoes. I might not remember my interactions with RacingMonster in the past. We had a brief couple of messages (from what I can see on the forums), I approved a few runs on two occasions, and I'm bad with names. So then, suddenly, someone messages me on twitter, "yo hmu then," and that's it. I'm old. I have to Google what hmu even means. And then? I didn't message you saying anything, and why would I hit you up at all?

I look at the picture, it's a kid that was in diapers when I was in high school at least. I personally think he looks ridiculous, flashing signs and looking like a clown with only half his face painted on yet. I don't know what this guy is selling, but I probably don't want any. I ignore the fact that the message ever happened.

Even ignoring -everything- else except the message itself, why would I waste my time writing you back? Why couldn't you have just said what you wanted to say in the first place, without me confirming that I'm listening right then and there? I don't write a pen pal saying, 'Yo, get back at me." then wait for a response before I send an actual letter. I don't do that for e-mails. I -might- do that for a text message in a very limited circumstance, but none of those circumstances are likely going to be true with Twitter.

But, with most cases, if you say something to someone that doesn't really know you, and you don't offer any substance to what you're saying, you're probably not going to get the most favorable of responses. Tron_Javolta said it just right.

Now a list of random things

  1. "We know each other so there is no reason for him to ignore me, just 1 rude, 2 unprofessional as a mod." If he didn't know he was being requested as a mod, how was he supposed to know he was acting as a mod? Having a past does not mean he knows or remembers you.
  2. I can definitely be harsh with my words, but it's not my job to cater toward your feelings.
  3. "Not spamming when I did 1 tweet @ him a month" If I get 1 message, just once, that says fwd this message because I'm a ghost and I will haunt you, but if you foward to ten frnds then you will have good luck and ur crush will kiss you in 12 hours, that's spam. Spam doesn't just have to do with frequency.
  4. " He has not been active to my requests in the last 2 months..." He has been active to all your requests when you've been clear about what you've wanted or needed though.
  5. "If you are aren't going to help my situation or get him to contact me, don't leave anything replying to me or anything about it. Thanks." I'll surely do as I please, quite obviously.

@Timmiluvs Appearance absolutely means a lot in the general world. You can go about your life how you want, and if you can make it through without judging anyone's appearance, ever, then good on you, but the rest of the world doesn't work that way. If an African American was on Twitter and got a message from someone dressed up as the KKK with a message that said, 'yo, hmu then,", what do you think the response would be? Extreme example, sure, but it's still true. We ignore people based on appearance all the time as a society. Every time someone ignores the homeless guy at the corner of Wal-Mart, holding up a cardboard sign, he is ignored by nearly everyone. In the same vein, that same guy can wear a cheap suit and hold up a professionally done sign and people will look to see what it says.

Is it the right thing to do? Maybe not. But it's something that happens, and it's based on appearances.

And I should totally note, this is not speaking on behalf of StrawberryMilk whatsoever. Just how I'm viewing the situation.

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
thread: The Site
Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago

No offense and all offense meant at the same time, but I also wouldn't respond to what appears to be a young emo teenager, a complete stranger, spamming me with a message that he couldn't even bother to type out all the way, with no context as to why. Additionally, your twitter bio is totally conceited, and I'd ignore you on it alone!

Looking through the forums for the boards though, you're trying to get mod for something for no real reason. You've submitted runs for NASCAR 2011: The Game and Days of Thunder: NASCAR Edition. You've made one forum topic on each game, and one on the series.

For the series, there are no notifications for people posting to them. So chances are your post wasn't noticed because of that. For NASCAR 2011: The Game, you requested some new categories. StrawberryMilk added you as a mod so you could add the categories, and said that he might remove you as mod after that was done. And he did. For Days of Thunder: NASCAR Edition, you requested new categories. You're also -currently- a mod on the game, and have been, yet you haven't added the categories you requested yet.

So the mod has been very accommodating to your requests made on site, and has been responsive, and has been active at keeping runs up, while you, as a mod, haven't even bothered to add your own categories... Mind blown.

YUMmy_Bacon5 and Deln like this
thread: The Site
Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago

5 dollars for extra features, one time. It also supports the website. Its 100% optional, and the community doesn't frown on you for not doing it.

What exactly is there to feel wrong about? It's like on disc DLC, except we don't even have to pay for the disc, and all the bonus is cosmetic.

IcKY likes this
thread: The Site
Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago

Cant say it's only you, but I haven't had any issues opening the site in the past month.

thread: The Site
Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago

Do you have to run a game to be a mod? Do you have to run one to be a good mod? This apparently isn't the first game they're a mod of, either. I mean, honestly, I don't care if CriscoWIld is a mod or not, let alone for a game I don't play. My only point was people should try to make change like an adult via talking it out first, instead of throwing a tantrum because someone else is playing with your toy.

And the screenshot provided, to me, makes it look like they might not have an interest in playing the game, no. However, they did also advertise that the board was up and ready for submissions, wanting to get some runs on the board. And even they didn't do that, you can surely do a job without having a vested interest in it.

thread: The Site
Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago

I clicked the link, which is what I'm basing my judgement on that you don't see eye to eye with CriscoWild. You obviously want them transferred over. They obviously want the board filled. They also don't feel obligated to transfer the records themselves, and feel that's up to the owner of the runs. It's clear that you don't like this. Instead of handling things like an adult and seeing if you could share the power, you took to name calling and attempting to seize sole control for yourself.

thread: The Site
Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago

@KomradeKontroll So, what was the point of this post? Jealousy? No faith in the person who was granted mod? If you didn't care about control, you could have just tried to work with them. Maybe you could have asked to become a mod so you could get the leader boards transferred over yourself and all, but instead you went out of your way to call someone a shithead because they don't see eye to eye with you. That's kind of immature, and exactly like me requesting you to not be made a mod because I think you're too childish, and I should be made one instead because I can adult harder. That would be stupid.

Ya'll care too much about control, even if you don't think it's about control.

thread: The Site
Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago

neos1um's bot spam message is actually pretty good. Out of curiosity, I tossed it into google translate.

"Ok, then I added you to the mods. Have fun." -- At least the base text is on topic, even if it's a lie!

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
thread: The Site
Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago

Aces, thanks for the info.

thread: The Site
Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago

I submitted a run for a game that doesn't have a page setup already. When I submitted it, it said it it wasn't looked at after so long, that it should be brought up.

Me, being a dingus, forgot not only how long you're supposed to wait, but forgot who I'm supposed to bring it up to as well. Oops. Anyone know the answers?

thread: Talk
Montana, USAalkaline_ice7 years ago

The irony is that you spend tens to hundreds to thousands of hours playing a game to, in essense, play it as little as possible and still win.

DarQ likes this
About alkaline_ice
7 years ago
8 months ago
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The Messenger
The Messenger
Last run 5 years ago
Saga Frontier
Saga Frontier
Last run 5 years ago
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
Last run 4 years ago
Cinderella: Magical Dreams
Cinderella: Magical Dreams
Last run 6 years ago
God Eater 2: Rage Burst
God Eater 2: Rage Burst
Last run 7 years ago
Octopath Traveler
Octopath Traveler
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Games followed
God Eater 2: Rage Burst
God Eater 2: Rage Burst
Last visit 9 months ago
Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus (GBA)
Cinderella: Magical Dreams
Cinderella: Magical Dreams
Last visit 9 months ago
Octopath Traveler
Octopath Traveler
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The Messenger
The Messenger
Last visit 8 months ago
Saga Frontier
Saga Frontier
Last visit 8 months ago
Games moderated
God Eater 2: Rage Burst
God Eater 2: Rage Burst
Last action 4 years ago