BelarusVRplaYK3 years ago


  1. Please approve the new variable "Sub". (There will be Sub 1, 2, 3...) 2)Adding a race, you can choose your own Sub. (If your time is 20: 45, then you will have until Sub 21) 3)Sub will become an additional filter. (It will allow you to display a small top player within this time frame. In this top it will be possible to have the first place and have fun ))

When a lot of people participate in a category, as for version 1.16.1, the value in the usual distribution of places in order is lost. It seems to me that we need to come up with another form of identification of places where there would not be such ephemerality or illusory as now. What do I mean by that?

Let's say you have 500 seats now because you ran for about 26 minutes. After a while, your place becomes already 550 because a lot of people tried to run faster. Then what is the point of such a non-stable system?

The numbers of your place, in this case, do not mean anything at all. They are so temporary that even for a world record tomorrow there is no guarantee that it will be the first place. Confirmation of this is a recent case in the 1.16.1 category, where the new Illumina record did not last very long. As a verifier, I've seen it. Illumina was not happy about the event for long. New names appeared ahead in just a day or two. For those who know a little about psychology, this state of affairs seems even destructive, the cause of apathy and depression.

So, the places in the top are illusory. Among the lower places in the top, this is a common problem. You win the place with great difficulty, and tomorrow some " upstarts" )) cancel your achievement, push you far far down... Agree that this is not quite the right position. Although I understand that there should be losers in the competition, but not in the one thousand five hundred place... This has all reached the point of incredible absurdity in my opinion.

What does it mean 500 place or 1500 place? Doesn't mean anything at all. But in the 500th place there is now a player with SUB 26 and in the 1500th place there is a player with SUB for more than an hour. And I thought that SUB might be the solution to this problem of tops. Of course, on this site it is not provided that the places are distributed somehow according to the allocated SUBS, but I am developing my own, unofficial leaderboard, in which I try to solve this problem in advance. But even in the official leaderboard, I see an opportunity to do this, which I will tell you about later.

It seems to me that it is possible to assign places to each SUB. For example, the first place is SUB 13, the second is SUB 14, the third is SUB 15... If you look at the table now, there will be 1 person in the first place, 2 people in the second place, 7 people in the third, and so on. The bigger the SUB, the more people there are. I suggest counting places in a SUB way. In this case, on SUB 20, all seats from 93 to 120 will be considered as the 8th place. And even when in the existing top it will no longer be 93 and 120, but 203 and 415 places, it will still be the 8th place. Agree that this is much more reasonable and interesting.

Within a single SUB, a large group of players can form, who will want to indicate their seniority if they ran faster. This will be quite possible if there is a top inside a single SUB. Thus, a player can have an 8-place position in the SUB, and a 20-place position inside the SUB. It turns out such an interesting number of places 8/20. 8 will be a stable place, and 20-a variable place for those who prefer to see the ascent to the top of the SUB.

So for a player who is trying to overcome the boundaries of his SUB, there will be much fewer opponents, not a thousand, but a couple of dozen people. This will be more convenient. Then it would be great to do such a simple sorting of the races by their main SUB. There's not much to do for that.

When I moderated the map for speedrun, I was able to experiment a bit and realized that we could introduce an additional SUB variable for players to fill in. It can then be output through a Filter, just as you can output the race results for a certain version of Minecraft. So, for 1.16+ , you can choose SUB 20 and display only a small list of competitors, a small top, where the best thing is that you can be in the first place. )) You can be at least somewhere in the 1st place. )) It will be fun mini championships, if you want.

Someone will eventually leave SUB 20, moving to SUB 19. Your place may be the first, even through no fault of your own... )) Where else will you get so much joy, where your rivals give way to you, and do not displace you? This model, unlike the existing one, is not aimed at the disorder of a person, but at his inspiration. And to do this, just enter the SUB variable and set all the standard parameters for it.

Of course, we will have to do some work to add SUB to every race that currently exists in the rating, but it is worth it in my opinion. After all, the popularity of speedrun in Minecraft will grow, the number of participants will increase, it will not decrease. These 1500 places have long been of no interest to anyone and cause only ridicule if you say that you are in 1500 place in the world in speedrun in 1.16.1. Instead, it would be more pleasant to realize yourself in 60 place and inform your friends about it. Please like it if you like the idea. Offer this idea to your community and so we can someday influence the adoption of this innovation.

Well, let's say we have a variable SUB and we can output a special top for this SUB through the filter. How will it be seen in the overall top that instead of the illusory 120th place, you have a stable 8th place in the world?

Editors need to specifically refer to SUB 13, for example, as "# 1 SUB 13". And so on (#2 SUB 14, # 3 SUB 15). At the same time, the old top system remains familiar, but it will be possible for many people to see themselves as No. 3 in the world in it, despite some details. If you filter out the details about this # 3 SUB 15, then you can find yourself, for example, in the 20th place among all #3. Everything. So your seat will be 3/20

If a fairly rare world record is already set that adds a smaller SUB, such as SUB 12 or Sub 11, then the moderator will only need to edit the names by changing the number. In this case, you can lose your 8th place, getting 9, but this will be rare because WR is increasingly difficult and unattainable.

I think this is quite a useful tool in our vast top.

LeafpoolSR, EllaTAS and 3 others like this
BelarusVRplaYK4 years ago

In order to filter out real records from fake ones and ease the torment of verifiers checking disputed races, it was decided to follow 5

Reason for rejection: "Insufficient data for verification. Send all the data and repeat. Details here: "

  1. Worlds. The main proof of this game

  2. the Pb Set. Additional proof with a link to a playlist of videos with normal PB progress

  3. a Lot of work. Additional proof is a link to a selection of videos of many hours of attempts in this category.

  4. Broadcast. Additional proof with a link to this broadcast

  5. Raw video. Secondary proof of the raw race video

  6. the Openness of the player. Not resistance to verification.

  7. Worlds. The main proof of this game

is That you need to save 3 worlds: №1 World (Previous) №2 World (WR or Cool PB) №3 World (Stop recording) Save everything in one archive immediately after recording and put a link to it in the comments.

You can't re-enter these worlds. Don't enter them. Put them separately and archive them. World No. 1 controls the probability of gluing World No. 2 is compared with the race data, confirms the time and other parameters World No. 3 additionally controls some possible deception attempts

Without #1 and #2, a high-ranked race will not be considered at all. If you are used to deleting the previous failed world, your race will be rejected because it is unverifiable.

So, you don't delete world #1. If you reset it, you continue to record how you create world # 2. Otherwise, if world # 1 was long, you can start recording from the title screen and create world # 2, where world # 1 will be visible.

After setting a record in the world No. 2, you continue to wash down the video to post a seed in it. Then you need to go out and create world # 3, from which you can immediately exit. After that, you can stop recording or continue, showing your emotions of joy. You have done everything correctly.

  1. the Pb Set. Proof of a link to the video playlist where normal progress in PB will be displayed

If you installed a cool PB without intermediate ONES, this is a big minus. You don't need to send intermediate results to the site, but upload them to your YouTube playlist. Keep a timeline of your success. If you are shy or don't want to clutter your channel with this, but make these videos with access via the link. Collect enough of your PB's in a playlist with link access. It is good to have at least 5 intermediate PB. If the PB is not present or not sufficient, the race will be rejected as doubtful due to insufficient data to fully confirm it.

  1. a Lot of work. The proof is a link to a selection of videos of many hours of attempts in this category.

Usually, all honest players go to a high result for many months and even years. It is important to note that your progress should take at least a few months, preferably half a year. If you set a record in a few days, a couple of weeks, or even a couple of months, we will have the right not to consider your result provable and not to understand your channel.

  1. Broadcast. Proof with a link to this broadcast

If there is, add a link to the broadcast where you set this record. This will add some more weight to your race. Get addicted to broadcasting on YouTube or Twitch. With OBS-Studio, you can simultaneously broadcast and record the race on your computer. This broadcast can be an additional proof.

  1. Raw video. Proof by raw video of the race

This proof may sometimes be required if the examiners ask you to do so. If you want to edit or edit a recorded video or comment on it, first archive the original video or create a copy. Some video editing programs can change important parameters that will make your race unverifiable and rejected.

If you were asked to send a raw file and you have a raw video recording of this race without changes, then send it via a file sharing service, such as Google drive, leaving us a link. YouTube videos can be transcoded. This won't do. The only exception is broadcasting in some cases.

If there is a chance that there will be extraneous sounds in the video that you don't want to publish, you can record without a microphone, but you can't change the raw video or optimize the sound quality. To avoid this, record without a microphone. Videos with cut-out audio are also not allowed. There must be either the sound of the game itself, or the sound of the microphone.

If you anticipate that the reviewers may request a raw file, then prepare it in advance and leave a link in the comments for the race. This will be a sign that you are trying.

  1. the Openness of the player. Proof is not resistance to verification.

If you have to ask for a long time to send all the materials for verification, we consider it an attempt to hide the deception or shortcomings of the race. If you have included all the necessary data in the comments and they are easy to find and download for verification, it means that you have nothing to hide. However, sometimes the reviewer may ask you to answer questions, send screenshots, or show a screen with game settings, game files, video editing programs, etc. (as part of the race data).

Resisting these requests or red tape with promises to do it much later may be regarded as an attempt to hide something. If you really value your results, you will try to find a few minutes to respond to the requests of verifiers in time. There are cases when players resisted verification and created additional difficulties for themselves, showing disrespect for the hard work of verifiers and moderators. A disgusting manner of interaction, a bad reputation as a cheater can take a Central place in the verification of the race.

You can't justify the urgency of your business or moving to another city while proving the legality of your race. If you plan to be very busy in the near future (1-2 weeks), do not send your race until you are free. Otherwise, your "employment" will be seen as resistance. Just choose the right time to start your proof and bring it to the end.

To avoid blocking dishonest players and allow them to play fairly after critical errors are detected, all disputed races will now be rejected with the wording " Insufficient data for verification. Send all data and repeat. "


  1. if there are no necessary worlds to check, then the race is rejected without consideration.
  2. If there are worlds but not enough PB, then the race is rejected without consideration
  3. If there are worlds, there is PB, but little labor on your channel, there are no multiple attempts, then the race is rejected without consideration
  4. If there are worlds, PB and a lot of attempts over a long time, but it happened outside of the broadcast, the race can be considered after some time of studying your content. Because of the record in the broadcast, this decision would have been faster.
  5. If you have 1-4, but we still have concerns due to oddities in your race, we can ask for a raw video file. If it is somehow corrupted or does not match, the race will be rejected because the data is not verified.
  6. If you provided all the listed data with great disrespect to the inspectors, taking them many hours or days, then your race may also be rejected, even if it is legal. It's just that in WR, we are increasingly guided by the principle where doubts outweigh evidence. If there is a slight doubt, especially in WR, the race will be rejected until the player is fully prepared to prove the validity of their run.

Thus, we are trying to make it harder to get world records and cool PB, leaving this goal only for serious players. This applies mainly to RSG categories, but may be required in other categories in some cases. Thanks for understanding.

Official information can be found here

RowdyCat, imgntn and 3 others like this
BelarusVRplaYK4 years ago

In order to filter out real records from fake ones and ease the torment of verifiers checking disputed races, it was decided to follow 5

Reason for rejection: "Insufficient data for verification. Send all the data and repeat. Details here: "

  1. Worlds. The main proof of this game

  2. the Pb Set. Additional proof with a link to a playlist of videos with normal PB progress

  3. a Lot of work. Additional proof is a link to a selection of videos of many hours of attempts in this category.

  4. Broadcast. Additional proof with a link to this broadcast

  5. Raw video. Secondary proof of the raw race video

  6. the Openness of the player. Not resistance to verification.

  7. Worlds. The main proof of this game is That you need to save 3 worlds: №1 World (Previous) №2 World (WR or Cool PB) №3 World (Stop recording) Save everything in one archive immediately after recording and put a link to it in the comments.

You can't re-enter these worlds. Don't enter them. Put them separately and archive them. World No. 1 controls the probability of gluing World No. 2 is compared with the race data, confirms the time and other parameters World No. 3 additionally controls some possible deception attempts

Without #1 and #2, a high-ranked race will not be considered at all. If you are used to deleting the previous failed world, your race will be rejected because it is unverifiable.

So, you don't delete world #1. If you reset it, you continue to record how you create world # 2. Otherwise, if world # 1 was long, you can start recording from the title screen and create world # 2, where world # 1 will be visible.

After setting a record in the world No. 2, you continue to wash down the video to post a seed in it. Then you need to go out and create world # 3, from which you can immediately exit. After that, you can stop recording or continue, showing your emotions of joy. You have done everything correctly.

  1. the Pb Set. Proof of a link to the video playlist where normal progress in PB will be displayed

If you installed a cool PB without intermediate ONES, this is a big minus. You don't need to send intermediate results to the site, but upload them to your YouTube playlist. Keep a timeline of your success. If you are shy or don't want to clutter your channel with this, but make these videos with access via the link. Collect enough of your PB's in a playlist with link access. It is good to have at least 5 intermediate PB. If the PB is not present or not sufficient, the race will be rejected as doubtful due to insufficient data to fully confirm it.

  1. a Lot of work. The proof is a link to a selection of videos of many hours of attempts in this category.

Usually, all honest players go to a high result for many months and even years. It is important to note that your progress should take at least a few months, preferably half a year. If you set a record in a few days, a couple of weeks, or even a couple of months, we will have the right not to consider your result provable and not to understand your channel.

  1. Broadcast. Proof with a link to this broadcast

If there is, add a link to the broadcast where you set this record. This will add some more weight to your race. Get addicted to broadcasting on YouTube or Twitch. With OBS-Studio, you can simultaneously broadcast and record the race on your computer. This broadcast can be an additional proof.

  1. Raw video. Proof by raw video of the race

This proof may sometimes be required if the examiners ask you to do so. If you want to edit or edit a recorded video or comment on it, first archive the original video or create a copy. Some video editing programs can change important parameters that will make your race unverifiable and rejected.

If you were asked to send a raw file and you have a raw video recording of this race without changes, then send it via a file sharing service, such as Google drive, leaving us a link. YouTube videos can be transcoded. This won't do. The only exception is broadcasting in some cases.

If there is a chance that there will be extraneous sounds in the video that you don't want to publish, you can record without a microphone, but you can't change the raw video or optimize the sound quality. To avoid this, record without a microphone. Videos with cut-out audio are also not allowed. There must be either the sound of the game itself, or the sound of the microphone.

If you anticipate that the reviewers may request a raw file, then prepare it in advance and leave a link in the comments for the race. This will be a sign that you are trying.

  1. the Openness of the player. Proof is not resistance to verification.

If you have to ask for a long time to send all the materials for verification, we consider it an attempt to hide the deception or shortcomings of the race. If you have included all the necessary data in the comments and they are easy to find and download for verification, it means that you have nothing to hide. However, sometimes the reviewer may ask you to answer questions, send screenshots, or show a screen with game settings, game files, video editing programs, etc. (as part of the race data).

Resisting these requests or red tape with promises to do it much later may be regarded as an attempt to hide something. If you really value your results, you will try to find a few minutes to respond to the requests of verifiers in time. There are cases when players resisted verification and created additional difficulties for themselves, showing disrespect for the hard work of verifiers and moderators. A disgusting manner of interaction, a bad reputation as a cheater can take a Central place in the verification of the race.

You can't justify the urgency of your business or moving to another city while proving the legality of your race. If you plan to be very busy in the near future (1-2 weeks), do not send your race until you are free. Otherwise, your "employment" will be seen as resistance. Just choose the right time to start your proof and bring it to the end.

To avoid blocking dishonest players and allow them to play fairly after critical errors are detected, all disputed races will now be rejected with the wording " Insufficient data for verification. Send all data and repeat. "


  1. if there are no necessary worlds to check, then the race is rejected without consideration.
  2. If there are worlds but not enough PB, then the race is rejected without consideration
  3. If there are worlds, there is PB, but little labor on your channel, there are no multiple attempts, then the race is rejected without consideration
  4. If there are worlds, PB and a lot of attempts over a long time, but it happened outside of the broadcast, the race can be considered after some time of studying your content. Because of the record in the broadcast, this decision would have been faster.
  5. If you have 1-4, but we still have concerns due to oddities in your race, we can ask for a raw video file. If it is somehow corrupted or does not match, the race will be rejected because the data is not verified.
  6. If you provided all the listed data with great disrespect to the inspectors, taking them many hours or days, then your race may also be rejected, even if it is legal. It's just that in WR, we are increasingly guided by the principle where doubts outweigh evidence. If there is a slight doubt, especially in WR, the race will be rejected until the player is fully prepared to prove the validity of their run.

Thus, we are trying to make it harder to get world records and cool PB, leaving this goal only for serious players. This applies mainly to RSG categories, but may be required in other categories in some cases. Thanks for understanding.

EniarkuAvals, RandomBridger and 3 others like this
BelarusVRplaYK4 years ago
  1. Obtain Item (usually takes 1s-5 minutes) You need to find and take an emerald, a diamond or a Golden Apple. With structures, this will be fast, but without structures, it will take a little longer. The essence of this category is successful search or extraction of resources. This is not difficult, but if you want to do it quickly, you will have to think about improving some of your skills. This will start your progress. For example, you need to learn how to use hot keys and place items correctly and conveniently in the hotbar.

2)get Item-Cake (takes 20s-10 minutes) The task is complicated by the fact that you need to use more components. You need to collect the ingredients for the cake and craft it. You will need cane, eggs, and wheat.

  1. All Swords (takes 1-20 minutes) You need to craft all the swords from all the available ores.

  2. All Wood Logs (Takes 2-20 minutes) You need to get all kinds of trees. To do this, you will have to learn how to quickly look around and move around the world.

  3. SSG Enter Nether (takes 3-10 minutes)

  4. RSG Enter Nether (takes 3-10 minutes) You need to get an iron bucket to make a portal and enter the Nether. This is the simplest thing. You can use this skill in the following categories. As you improve this, you will automatically improve your crafting and movement skills in Minecraft.

  5. All Minerals (takes 1-10 minutes) You need to mine Coal, Iron Ingot, Gold Ingot, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli, Diamond, Emerald, and Nether Quartz. Check the rules.

8 ) SSG Full Iron Armor and 15lvl (takes 3-15 minutes) 9) RSG Full Iron Armor and 15lvl (takes 3-15 minutes) In addition to the fact that you need to quickly get to Nezer, you need to collect a lot of iron, melt it down and craft armor. In Nezer, you need to gain 15 experience levels by collecting quartz or visiting biomes in 1.16+.

  1. SSG Peaceful (takes 3-20 minutes)

  2. RSG Peaceful (takes 30-60 minutes) This is an attempt to complete the passage of Minecraft, without wasting time and nerves on the battle with mobs. A very useful category for beginners, which will allow you to go to the end without losing health and get used to reaching the end. Then you just need to increase the complexity.

  3. SSG (takes 30-60 minutes)

  4. RSG (takes 20 minutes-2 hours) Having mastered the passage with hostile mobs on Easy, set the difficulty to Normal or Hard. At the same time, we will starve more often, the wounds will be stronger, and the arrows will hit you more accurately. This will make you move faster and more carefully. You will learn all the survival skills.

  5. SSG All Bosses (takes 30-60 minutes)

  6. RSG All Bosses (takes 60 minutes-3-4 hours) You need to complete Minecraft by killing the Edge dragon, Wither, and Elder Guardian. If you want to practice killing Wither (10-30 minutes) and Elder Guardian (1-5 minutes), you can also participate in these separate categories.

16)All Version Try an endurance marathon )) You need to go through all the versions in a row.

You don't have to participate in all the short categories. I consider them training. It is best to completely pass Minecraft. It is always the center of attention. In fact, for training complete passage of beginners, I recommend using a special mod: Works in version 1.16+ with Fabric The mod allows you to train individual skills:

Nether Fortress Bastion Practice Eye Stronghold End Practice 1.14.4 Trading Practice TNT Practice Bed (One Cycling) Practice ...

In the mod, you will already have all the necessary items and items. You don't have to search for a village or fortress. If you do not succeed, you can train it with this mod from Duncan.

Designations: SSG-Set Seed Any% Glitchless RSG - Random Seed Any% Glitchless

Sorry for the Google translation

LSD_Gaga, Lezt and 4 others like this
BelarusVRplaYK4 years ago

I have been checking races since April 19, 2020. It took 5 months of this work. I wanted to share some of my thoughts about this and our team, so that the players and even the reviewers themselves would get some comprehensive ideas about the work done.

There is a curious rating of checks among us. You can use it to see who checked how many races. Initially I saw it in this form Then it was corrected and it turned out this way.

I have my own statistics of what I checked. For each race, I create a data file that I save. Therefore, I was able to calculate how much I actually checked. Until September 15, 2020, I checked 951 races. This does not match the first table or even more accurate data. I thought that the calculation excludes the races of which I turned down. Of those, I rejected 100 runs.

It may also not take into account those races that were rechecked by moderators after me and came out under their name of the reviewer or were rejected by them. On this I can conclude. 951 (total) -100 (rejected)=851. 851-838=13 this seems to have been fixed by the moderators. In any case, I checked 951 races.

In total, our team tested at least 7,000 races. I think that this can be multiplied by 10% of rejected races and get a more realistic figure, somewhere around 10000. This list does not include Illumina, which could also check something. There may have been some other people who contributed. I don't know.

In any case, all the participants did well. A phenomenal job has been done. I know it can be difficult, but we help hundreds of people find a little joy of success and promotion in their favorite game. You understand this feeling when you participate in competitions yourself, even with a little success.

I thank the entire team for their significant contribution in the form of ideas or time spent on the joy of children and those who do not want to grow up and stop playing. I also thank you for giving me the opportunity to develop this project together with you. It is interesting. Thank you so much.

So, 10,000 races, if you multiply by a minimum of 5 minutes of checking each of them, it turns out that we spent 833 full days checking the races. Most likely, this number can be doubled. After all, checking many races could take 20 minutes or 30. I remember that a couple of times 7-10 hours checked some All Achivements long in 20-25 hours, speeding up the video. Yes, we have to check with acceleration.

There are also ordinary complex races that you check several times. So let's multiply 833 days by 2. previously, there Were no accelerated checks, as now, with the growing popularity of speedrun in Minecraft. So I'll multiply by 2 for statistics )). I think it will be nice to understand that we spent about 1666 days in checks )) for today. There is a bit of Nezer in this figure. )) This is more than 4 years. Just imagine if one or more people did it. So you now have an idea how this work for the players really takes time.

I'm too lazy to calculate how much each of our team spent their time on this, but I was curious about how much on average I gave my time to this joy, mainly to children. ((951*5)/60)*2=158 days. What?))) I spent almost a year in five months? )) Not... Statistics are lying... )) I don't know.... How? I checked some races in 2-3 minutes. Okay, divide it in half and we get about 80 days. So, I didn't notice that I spent two months of my life entirely checking out races. Out of 5 months, I sat for 2 months and checked the races. Even if my calculations are not accurate and I only really checked for a month, this is also impressive. That's a lot...

Therefore, dear moderators and verifiers, past, present and future, I am well aware of the sacrifice of time and effort you are all making and I do not regret the words of admiration for all of you. Each of you is a legend in some way. I will mention only some of the most striking ones for my degree of communication. I don't speak English and sometimes I can't understand the Google translation of what they are discussing. Correct me and add if I miss something. I would like this topic to be dedicated to some introduction of players to the reviewers, where they can write a few words about themselves or someone to write about them, if you know them well.

Illumina is a retired super moderator, veteran and champion table leader who has promoted and continues to promote this movement to the masses. Over the past few months, his audience on twitch has grown tenfold. I got on the team because of him. Of the latest achievements, we can highlight his speedrun on all versions of Minecraft, which took about 25 hours. Unique person.

Geosquare - super moderator, the author of the IGT timer. Opened unique seeds for SSG to the community. AprilSR-super moderator, rules developer. BlueCrystal004-super moderator Izraill-super moderator

luckytyphlosion - moderator. Hardrocker-moderator. TheeSizzler-moderator, world champion BillyWAR-moderator, champion with incredible patience to pass minecraft with all the achievements. Curcuit - the moderator, a famous champion in the category Any%. SpeedNintendo-moderator Crafterdark - moderator. An incredible speedrun experimenter, an idea generator. Willz-moderator

Bloonskiller-verifier. KaptainWutax-verifier.

VRplaYK-verifier. Created a channel for speedrun reviews in Minecraft in Russian. I'm trying to organize something from the collected data. I want to learn and create a Russian platform for speedrun competition. I'm currently selecting textures for speedrun. I'll write more later.

Mickthebrick1-verifier. randomidiot13-verifier. DKEN-verifier. Flourish - verifier. MultiPorl-verifier. the silliest - verifier. Probably the youngest of us. Incredibly fast speedrunner, catching up with the legendary leaders. drxgonfly-verifier.

Some of us are developing new features for speedrun. This way the circle of project participants expands beyond the team of reviewers. Someone creates mods for training, someone creates tutorials. This is very encouraging. It is hoped that there will be a special client for a speedrun, which would exclude the forging of races and will accelerate their validation.

Sorry if someone just couldn't get to know them properly yet. Many of you are great speedrunners and more. It's amazing how you combine school, work, life, checking races, your own PB and WR. You are unusual people, the best of the best in this area of The minecraft universe.

Since no one is paying for your work, I think it would be nice to thank you and mark it with likes. That's why I started such a post on the forum. I think that if I had a good translator and knew you better, when I gave this speech at a tournament where all the participants of our competitions were gathered, all these thousands of people would have given you a standing ovation for a few minutes. If they understood what you were doing for them, how much effort you were expending, they would all stand up and applaud you as their heroes.

Some are surprised that there are not many speedrun leaders among the local moderators and verifiers, and there are no particularly prominent successes in competitions at all. This is because instead of training and trying to play, we spend a lot of time checking. What is comforting in this case is the knowledge that we can all boast that we have tested some new world champion. Somewhere down there is our nickname. )) We invisibly ran his championship race with him and sanctified it with glory by clicking on the "Verifi run" button...

To some extent, especially if we support a player or have chosen an idol, we naturally share their success, the joy of success. I think it should be comforting and encouraging for us, as testers, to have some unity with the players when choosing favorites and waiting for them to reach the top. I think we should enjoy our work in this way, getting the excitement and sense of brotherhood from it with someone familiar and interesting. We can receive words of gratitude from colleagues and well-wishers who are happy with our efforts. We also need a little leniency because we sometimes make mistakes and take a long time to Mature to do something great.

I believe in each of you and I know that if you value people, even the smallest ones, they get a lot of energy for their talent. I can't spend any money to appreciate your work, but I hope that you will feel a surge of energy from my understanding and respect for you and your work. For me, this list with the number of checks is a monument to our joint work, where not only the head is important, but also what supports it. )) Even if something is at the bottom, it is no less important to the whole world... Thank you to everyone who creates this world, lights portals to new dimensions...

(Sorry for the Google translation)

eyespybaam, Joemama69420 and 28 others like this
BelarusVRplaYK4 years ago


This material will be updated. Therefore, add it to your bookmarks and follow new tips.

The first post contains an abridged version of the tips. Details in the second post.

If I didn’t point you to a specific tip by sending only one link, then I just want you to read the entire content. This link is sent to many. You may not need to fix anything, but it would be great if you are aware of the problems of the verifiers when checking the races and help them by spreading this information. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

I check the races and often have some inconvenience to check. I'm tired of sending comments to players in private messages. Therefore, I will collect here a list of my recommendations and send only a link, hoping that players will read and make corrections.


  1. Show Start Screen
  2. Show the selected difficulty of the game
  3. Please use two timers (more details later). For example a LiveSplit timer with RA and IGT settings. Also, the timers should be clearly visible. Or at the end of the race, you can open the statistics and show the game time there.
  4. Do not block anything on the left side of the "F3" data and game chat. 5.IGT time you can specify the same as usual. If you do not specify IGT time at all, then your place in the leaderboard will be incorrect.
  5. Choose your version of the game carefully. Errors are very common where version 1.4 is indicated instead of 1.14.4
  6. If your race does not start from the beginning of the video, then indicate the start time of your race in the comments.
  7. There should be a seed in the commentary.
  8. Do not forget to enter the command "time set 0" in the co-op and only then allow others to join. Your confirmation video or your partner video should show the beginning of the game poem. Otherwise, the result is not considered.
  9. Do not use prohibited mods and mods modifications. Get rid of lags with OptiFine or Fabric + Sodium. "Mod menu" and "Fabric api" don't forget to remove them from the Mods directory.
  10. Don't use a texture pack. Careful with Vanilla Tweaks. Much is not permitted in this package.
  11. Recommended gamma 3
  12. It is recommended to post videos on YouTube. Twitch may delete your videos after a while.
  13. Specify the most accurate time yourself, if you like. We are not fixing a time that is slightly longer than it is.
  14. Don't spam each PB. Know how to wait a little and break your record, saving our time. 16.Publishing a seed at the start of the game is not allowed, except in some cases.
  15. If your IGT is too different from RTA, for a minute or more, explain the reason to the verifiers in the comment. It's just that IGT usually differs by 10-20 seconds. 18.Explanation of timers: You can use two timers
  1. Usually LiveSplit timer
  2. IGT timer here
  1. Show F3, seed and basic settings for a clean speedrun at the end of the run
  2. Download your videos from PB and duplicate them to restore them if they are unavailable or damaged.
  3. Collect a playlist with your previous attempts and old PB by posting it in the comments. This is additional evidence in controversial points.
  4. Here you can find tips on which category to start participating in competitions if you have doubts or failures.
  5. Do not correct an already accepted race.

Sorry for google translation. If something is not clear, write in the comments. I will try to answer.

Here you can read about moderators and verifiers and leave a thank you for their work for you: 24. If there are large lags and freezes, use the allowed mods and set fewer drawing chunks. 25. Too much difference between RTA and IGT, if there are no pauses, is a known bug for the timer, caused by changing the auto-save settings in the game to non-standard ones. 26. To prevent your videos from being blocked on YouTube because of music, you can upload your videos without sound. Otherwise, verifiers may not be able to access it. 27. Specify the milliseconds correctly. If the timer shows 35 milliseconds, it means 350 milliseconds. In versions Pre 1.9, milliseconds are not needed. Considering that this is a very common mistake, I don't want to fix everyone's time. I'm just deleting milliseconds altogether.

-Why is the race not checked for a long time? -Your race may be in the queue waiting for verification, which can even take 2-3 weeks. Verifiers may just get tired. Try to maintain a friendly attitude towards them to encourage them to do more checks than they can.

Loki1412, Ma_ehy and 31 others like this
BelarusVRplaYK4 years ago

How to insert a timer playing on a smartphone? Somebody knows?

Many play only on a smartphone. But they do not have a timer to control the time. Give a link where you can find instructions for running on the smartphone? Where to download the timer for the smartphone? Competitions are on, but we don’t know anything ...))

KilleDragon likes this
BelarusVRplaYK4 years ago

Hey. I did an RSG SSG 2019 race analysis. If interested, here is a link to the Excel table.

The table clearly shows how many players spend time on passing. Their stages of passage can be compared. You can understand what needs to be improved in your race thanks to convenient statistics.

KilleDragon likes this
BelarusVRplaYK4 years ago

I collect information about past world champions. Correct my information if I am wrong.

Google table Full history WR Minecraft Speedrun 2012-2020...:


  1. Video Zoid_FTW
  2. Screenshot from the video attempts by Tarokitchen:
  3. Corrected and supplemented by help luckytyphlosion
  4. The missing information is taken from the analysis of the standings.
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