IrelandThee_Deadguy2 years ago

Hey All,

I'm asking the question, not making the claim. But has a 1:47:xx ever been done for a coin drop NOT in centre place? Had this crazy fast run earlier, recognised the pattern and chanced going left of centre, hey ho, the coin was there, and i got a 1:47:883 (i think)

Theres the video link. Its not my PB, but its the first time i've personally done this, or seen it done this fast so just wanted to share it.

IrelandThee_Deadguy2 years ago

Legend, thank you very very much

IrelandThee_Deadguy2 years ago

So for a beginner like me i could technically just learn the route, and keep grinding to level up to gun 5?

I really appreciate you taking your time to answer.

So you need 8 or 11 keys fornthe whole game?

IrelandThee_Deadguy2 years ago

Hey all,

Looking to start running this, and maybe it just seems more awkward than it is, but im losing you all on the "gun up gun down", im sure its mentioned in the guides, but are you supposed to only get gun ups, and then not collect anything else ao the drops stay consistent? Or do you collect everything. Like bulbs money etc (Really sorry for the dumb questions. But i really like the look of this game)

MichaelElkan and Mogwai_ren like this
thread: Kid Icarus
IrelandThee_Deadguy2 years ago

I like that FBS, you know this game inside out in fairness, so you should have a say.

Hopefully the mods can talk it over and come to a decision

thread: Kid Icarus
IrelandThee_Deadguy2 years ago

I guess personally i'd define a glitch as doing anything that was not originally intended.

Wall clips/screen wraps for sure.

The quick attack would be more tricky, as i can imagine that may have been used normally in the past, so not sure.

Either way i'd 100% take up this game for a glitchless cat. I think as you said, it could attract more people.

Look at NG Low % and now Batman fist only (low % i guess)

Its worth the consideration.

Pikraken likes this
thread: Kid Icarus
IrelandThee_Deadguy2 years ago

Hi all.

Just wondering why there is no glitchless category for Kid Icarus? Most games that require glitches / screen wraps / wall clips also usually have Glitchless.

Would be interested in running that category, as i love the game but havent got the prowess for wall clips haha

NeoKad and Pikraken like this
run: Kung Fu
IrelandThee_Deadguy2 years ago

Ggs brother!

IrelandThee_Deadguy2 years ago

This is amazing! Good job Mod team x

OopsKapootz likes this
IrelandThee_Deadguy2 years ago

Awesome run!

IrelandThee_Deadguy2 years ago


Can't find a relevant post, so just leaving this here for anyone new thatay need it.

Please just let me know if it needs to be posted in a different section.

IrelandThee_Deadguy2 years ago

So you think its an idea? To have a Dark Knight license?

IrelandThee_Deadguy3 years ago

Hey all,

Just a thought.

Ninja Gaiden has the ninja license for sub 12.30 runs... Jaws has a fishing license for sub 3.20 runs.

Batman is a hard game, and tough run... should there be a Dark Knight / Vigilantte license for say, sub 11.10 or 11.20 runs??

Just a thought, I think it would be fun.. lets discuss this.

Regards, Deadguy

IrelandThee_Deadguy3 years ago

Have you a run uploaded? If you dont get the coin in the door at the top of the ladder you cant get top score. So even if you finish the bonus, unless you get the coin first thing you cant Pb 🥺

sadida likes this
IrelandThee_Deadguy3 years ago

So, my good friend done some digging around the coding of this game. Heres what he found!!

The coin changes position every 11 frames, it follows the following pattern:


What does this mean? Well, there are 16 doors in the bonus stage. From Left to right:

     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

So if the coin was in door 7, 11 frame later it would be in door 2. 60 frames per second, so do the maths... I have found, through 2 hours trying tonight, that directly after a reset, count 6, and on 6 start the game, and 4 times out of 10 the coin will be in the centre, door 8, exactly where you want it. In 1325 attempts i got the coin 9 times, tonight alone i have got it 4 times .. and when im off, its only by 0.18 seconds, or 11 frames. So this 6 second buffer, + consistency should improve the coin chances. Its not guaranteed, but its more than we previously knew. For me, i aim to hit the last door / wall in a stage as below: Stage 1: 15 seconds Stage 2: 35 seconds Stage 3: 1.10 Stage 4: 1.35/36.. Pause buffer as fast as possible on stage 2,3,4 and bonus, and with a bit of luck, you'll get the coin more than ever. Again, massive thanks to @FrostedPear on twitch. Follow him, hes a genius. Deadguy

Vriaeliss, tomkabs and 5 others like this
IrelandThee_Deadguy3 years ago

I feel there is a way, but i dont know how. A good friend and runner @Proffesorretro had a great to save state before the bonus and then go into the next stage. The coin consistenly spawned erd door from right for me. So its locked into a certain door based on actions you take prior i feel, not randomly assigned. We just need to find out if its based on time or total movements. All i know is for me it has around a 1% spawn rate, and in 825 runs to get my pb i got it first door about 9 or 10 times.. its soul destroying..

sadida likes this
IrelandThee_Deadguy3 years ago

Hey there,

Just wondering if Cool Spot on the (NES) could be added to the site?

Kind Regards, Deadguy

thread: Kung Fu
IrelandThee_Deadguy3 years ago

Hey All, Set up a new Kung Fu discord if anyone is interested?

Hope to see you all there!


Pear likes this
thread: Kung Fu
IrelandThee_Deadguy3 years ago

100% agree, damageless is going to be a big thing this year i feel thanks to slack, so why not

IrelandThee_Deadguy3 years ago

Hero! Thank you sir

About Thee_Deadguy
Ahoyhoy! I'm Thee_Deadguy, from Dublin on the good ole Emerald Isle. I started to speedrun NES games in 2021. Onwards and upwards!!
3 years ago
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Kung Fu
Kung Fu
Last run 4 months ago
Wrecking Crew
Wrecking Crew
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Ninja Gaiden (NES)
Ninja Gaiden (NES)
Last run 11 months ago
DuckTales (NES)
DuckTales (NES)
Last run 1 year ago
The Great Gatsby (NES)
The Great Gatsby (NES)
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Golf (NES)
Golf (NES)
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Opossum Country
Opossum Country
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Donkey Kong (NES)
Donkey Kong (NES)
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Crayon Shin-Chan 2: Dai Maou no Gyakushu
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Spanky's Quest (SNES)
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Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition
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Urban Champion
Urban Champion
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Opossum Country
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Pocket Witch
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Breeder Homegrown Directors Cut
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