thread: Destiny
EnglandTheOnePhogoth9 years ago

hehe thanks man. I'll try my best.

thread: Destiny
EnglandTheOnePhogoth9 years ago

I am unsure as to how many there are for Destiny but i have only noticed Zecora as the only person verifying runs. This has led to may runs not even being verified until days after they are submitted (e.g. the kings fall sumbission at 35:53 was verified almost 4 days after submission). Sometimes some runs can get forgotten about when in the verify process and thus not even get noticed until it has been beaten.

Maybe we can do one of either 2 things. We either:

  1. need a few more Verifiers that are online frequently and can be trusted, for example current WR holders, OR

  2. follow the same system as the HaloRuns system. For those unfamiliar with the system, they have people of whom physically verify runs for those beginning to use the website for the first time. However once a user has submitted, for example, 5 verified runs/times, any runs/times they submit in the future will be automatically verified as they are noted by the system as trusted runners.

I am suggesting these as currently it seems like the verification stage could be a little more of a smoother process as opposed to some runners waiting anywhere from hours to even days before their runs gets accepted. In the current speeds of things a run could get beat by two different people/groups but the latter group may not be aware that the first group already beat it several hours earlier.

Other verifiers could be (FOR EXAMPLE) Myself, Tryhard, Flesh, Creeper and Ringtext. Reason for this would be that all of us have previously submitted more than 5 runs of which have all been verified and thus we understand timing rules and run rules. Whether we can be trusted however also comes into the equation.

Zeee and CleverUsername like this
thread: Destiny
EnglandTheOnePhogoth9 years ago

I personally think that a difficulty base should be in force for all runs with a seperate category for Easy and hard with strikes also having a nightfall category. Maybe consider running in a similar way to the HaloRuns community. What i mean by this is 2 categories for each mission or Strike, them being Solo or Full fireteam. These would then come with further sub categories or Easy or Hard (obviously strikes would have Very Hard for NFs and Raids would be unchanged)

FleshCrunch likes this
thread: Destiny
EnglandTheOnePhogoth9 years ago

Yeah also I was running it on 22 to test that theory as i also thought that and it isnt the reason behind the sparrow not being summonable

thread: Destiny
EnglandTheOnePhogoth9 years ago

Without sounding like an idiot, im wondering. As i have completed all storylines, including DLC, i should be able to summon my sparrow instantly on any mission. this isnt the case. The game will not allow me to summon my sparrow on missions to which i shouldnt normally have it, i.e. restoration. Ive seen some of the speedruns on here for many early planet missions and i see the sparrows being used normally. How is this?

thread: Speedrunning
EnglandTheOnePhogoth9 years ago

Hi. Im looking at starting to run Destiny however there is no page on here explaining the timings rules, level rules, ect.

If anyone is familiar with the Destiny timing and level rules, would you be able to inform me? I mean obviously timing ends at Mission End however does timing begin at the first instance of character control or what? As for level rules, can i be level 34 and run the first mission for example or do we have to be running as New Game?

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