thread: Speedrunning
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

There's a difference in ACCEPTING and VERIFYING something. I CAN accept that your run could have happend without cheats, but I CANNOT verify it based on the facts you have given us.

If a moderator was next to you/you've done the run on a public marathon (like the GDQ's or ESA for example) - where multible people can verify that you actually didn't cheat - during the run, then that video could be accepted and be allowed to be used as verification. Since this is not the case, no verification.

EmeraldAly and Brapchu like this
thread: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

For some reason, someone has apparently un-sticked this Thread. Is this on purpose since it has been sticky for quite long.

thread: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

I just noticed something as I tried to watch my latest forum posts: Yeaaaa, I guess this doesn't work out like expected? xD

thread: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Hey everyone. Since the new layout started, there have been quite some problems, and this is NOT a thread about to discuss them. There's an extra one already. A thing I wondered about was, why aren't there any notifications or alerts/pop-ups for important information? PLANET stated, that there was a test-phase for the new layout, which ran under Not sure about it, but this info as well as knows issues such as the current problem with requesting games or incorrect/weird ordering of in-game and real-time runs in some games, may simply be brought to the people so they don't have to look at the forums for every little detail. Some people may only be "users" which don't interact with the forums at all, so that would be quite neat.

There doesn't have to be a super complicated system for it, I think even a simple message in the current notification system would make it quite easy to make people aware of stuff easier without much efford.

thread: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Why do so many people donate to the site JUST to get the gradient color? O.o Isn't someone supposed to donate when they think someone/some group/site/whatever deserved it? OMGScoots

MASH and Trollbear666 like this
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Capturing a handheld is quite complicated, since they (usually, speaking of 99% of them) don't have any output signal like a normal console has (so you can put it to your tv), since the screen is already included. For older handhelds there're maybe console-adapters like the Gameboy-Player for the Gamecube, but that isn't the case for a DS/3DS/New 3DS.

Like trollbear said, cheapest way to capture it: Use a (web-)cam. You can either try to point it onto a desk and you're not allowed to leave that area or come up with another solution (BTW, I have never heard anything about using a webcam on your SHOULDERS WutFace ). To have it easy with controls and good quality you simply HAVE to modify your handheld with an build-in capture card which is quite expensive and takes quite long (Mine took 6 months O,..,o).

thread: Speedrunning
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

"Can't you upload it in parts? like 15 mins each week?" "2nd hmm wouldn't that still use the same amount of Internet data? "

  • It would take the same or a little bit more actually. You could try to render the videos with a different codec and maybe reduced bits which would decrease the video-size. But when you have multible parts, you can upload them to different times. If you're not allowed to upload X amount of data on a day/week/month/whatever, then just upload it whenever you can. Simple as that.

"4. There is absolutely NO WAY during a run my timer, msplit, can switch segment times without resetting the timer." If you're able to use an video-editing software, you are easily able to cut together segments without touching the splits at all. And when the splits are transparent and positioned over the game, you may have only edited the raw game footage and then put the splits above it. There're many and hard to prove-able ways to edit Videos. But that's a hole other topic.

"Also I know this sounds dumb but I can't sign into my YouTube account on my own its my dads, I can't have my own."

  • You're not allowed to have a own one? How old are you, 6? I'm sorry when I sound rude with that but it's true man xD Or does one of your parents sit next to you all the time you use the pc? Anyways, this is not a debate about that, I'm just curious.
thread: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Text-Shadows look horrible on existing game-themes and is not changeable. Example:

Rmac524 likes this
thread: Talk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

@Drakodan "I've still yet to see a thread from you that isn't flat-out insane, I think." You haven't seen many of my threads then. Maybe only a couple. So your opinion doesn't really matter. It's cute how you think your opinion holds any weight.

When I just read this bullshit, the once and only thing I can say: You're an real asshole. Literally. On every dumb thread I have seen from you, you ASK people something or even asking them about their opinion, to just later on ignore and blame them for doing so. Are you like a really dumb troll or some shit like that? Jeez

And as you start with shit like this:

"Additionally, the quality of analog movement in 3D is not only a..." Let me stop you right there. You just put words in my mouth. I didn't say 3D games. I said 3d Platformers.

A 3D Platformer is NOT a 3D-Game then huh? yea ... that makes allot more sense now.

"Metal Gear Solid has awful controls with analog" So MGS is a platformer now. Nice.

This was an EXAMPLE. I know you state it as fact and as offense against you instantly, but this is usually used by EVERYONE to help them explaining a face by a certain case. You should maybe google it.

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

It's not like that, I was just curious why such old or already answered post show up on the top again.

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

@MASH Why do you bring up so many already answered or abandoned threads up again? This one with 3 months, another one with even 5 or 6 months DansGame

Trollbear666 likes this
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Since everyone does, here's mine :P

thread: Speedrunning
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

What is this Thread about ... ? I don't get it, sry

enbee and xDrHellx like this
thread: Talk
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago
  • Watching Series and Anime
  • Programming (mostly Open-Source Java stuff)
  • Playing with my buds
  • Sleeping ResidentSleeper /
  • Hanging out with buddies and doing IRL stuff with em
  • Regretting life decisions

@Soru VISTA?! WutFace

Lance_ likes this
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Why do you answer to an already finished topic, just to say that someone's right? That entire thing here didn't make any sense at all DansGame

jelluh24, amg, and enbee like this
thread: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Alright, I guess I got it wrong then kirkq :O And yea, it's just here to at least make people aware of it. hope there'll be a official one soon tho :)

thread: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Hey everyone. Since I noticed that in allot of Forums - especially "The Site" - the same Questions are getting asked over and over again, I want to build up a little FAQ here.

[section=How do I submit a run?] Simply click in the Search-bar in the top of the Site and type in the name of the game you want to submit the run to. When found, click on it and you're on the GAME PAGE. Here you can click on the "Submit Run"-Text in the top-left corner and fill out the form.

[section=Are Screenshots/Images allowed as proof of the run?] This depends on the Game's community/Mods, but usually not. Take a look at the rules of the game/category and if it isn't described clearly you should ask in the forum of the game or ask a Mod.

[section=What do I do, when the game doesn't show up/exists?] You can submit a new Game on this Site: Be sure you read through the rules and everything and submit it properly. You got to WAIT for it's approval, usually it takes around 1-2 WEEKS! The Admins have a real-life as well and there're surely a dozens of requests send so be patient.

[section=What when I submitted a run?] When you successfully submitted a run, you have to wait for the run to get verified/declined. When it gets approved, you'll be able to see your run on the Leaderboards. If not, you'll get a response why the run was declined. The verification usually takes three to four days, depending how active a game is. If your runs wasn't approved/denied AFTER 2 weeks or longer, you can ask on THIS Thread to become a Mod for the Game.

[section=Game Categories]

  1. You have to be a Mod or Super-Mod of the Game you want to edit.
  2. Go to the Game's page and click "Edit Game".
  3. Scroll down to the "Full-game categories". a. If you want to EDIT a Category, simply click on the name or rule text-area, or change the options. b. To create a new one, simply click "New Category" and fill our all data.

Once you edited or created the Category, you don't have to save the game since it'll save all changes.

[section=I have got a question regarding a Game] Go to the Game's Forum and ask there. Asking a question in the overall Forums is usually useless since most of the people don't know/run the Game, so they don't know anything about it. So don't bother these people and focus on the actual Game's community.

[section=Where's the (Private) Messaging feature?!] Like you probably noticed, it's not ready yet. It's currently in work, but hasn't the highest priority. Actually, it doesn't have a high priority at all. There's Twitch-, Twitter, YouTube- and other PM-Systems or contacting services out there, so just use these till this one is done.

[section=Often seen in the "Streaming"-Forum: Advertising your Stream] DON'T! JUST DON'T! Seriously! The entire Site is NO advertisement platform for your stream! Your Stream will be shown on the "Streams"-Page ( when you speedrun stuff AUTOMATICALLY! There's no need to annoy and spam the forums with these dumb threads.

[section=Searching is the KEY] Before you ask a question, please actually SEARCH for a solution/answer beforehand. There's mostly already a Thread for the problem, so search for it first. Don't forget to also search the related GAMES-Forum if it has anything to do with the Game.

If you have any other things you would think that would be useful to be added, let me know :)

Rmac524, stoot and 5 others like this
thread: Speedrunning
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

My additions from my Steam-Games :P

3D: Cloudbuilt DeadCore Lovely Planet

2D: BattleBlock Theater ibb & obb Mega Man Legacy Collection (?)

thread: The Site
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Why do you need the API to do it?

If you're using PHP: ¤EDIT¤ Edited the "highly complicated code" to return the entire run rather than just the time.

This is just a thing I build together without knowing how the api works exactly and there might be a typo in it, but I guess that's gonna work out for this little thingy.

The basic thing is, API stands for "Application Programming Interface", so it gives you an interface to program your stuff that you need and isn't made to output all sorts of information by default since it would be way too much efford doing so. Even tho, Ingame-time seems like a good extra that could be added in v2 :P

thread: Axiom Verge
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Sadly that is the usual strat for this Boss already. You can take a look at Guides -> Ukhu One-shot or preety much every run sub 50.

About PreFiXAUT
9 years ago
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Last run 7 years ago
Last run 8 years ago
Axiom Verge
Axiom Verge
Last run 8 years ago
Last run 8 years ago
Last run 4 years ago
Last run 9 years ago
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Last action 4 years ago