GermanyPatrick_9 years ago
  1. Gang war cancelling: During the "getting-off-the-bike-animation", the look back button does not look back but acts like the sub-mission button. -> get off the bike, immediately after, press look-back, a bit later press it again. As soon as you have it in muscle memory, you can focus on using the time that the aninmation takes to aim at the enemy groups while getting off, as well.

  2. cancelling the putting the phone away animation with the landing animation: it only works if you land after the putting away animation has started. a) After Monster, climb the bannister right next to where the marker is going to be, after the talking starts, walk off it. [the landing animation cancels the "after-call-animation"] b)After "Cesar Vialpando" This has audio commentary :) Although it's a bit harder than I thought, practice will make it easy. Medium Quality (3MB) | Very Low Quality (600K) E: the reason I was high ;) at the start was - "let's try this again :D" - that it took me a bunch of times to satisfy my standards. Also, "timing" was the wrong word, in an actual run you need to wait for the call to come in. Better put: You have to stand in the right place when you take it.

c) After Don Peyote: not sure, probably it's better to look for sports cars

d/e/f) You can jump onto the roof of your car or on top of your bike and then walk down, it causes a short landing animation: Loc's Party call Woozie race call first call after Los Desesperados (not copying R¤s Spanish mistake ;D) It probably saves time, need to check though g?) Maybe there is a mission (1) starting with a call (2) spawning you on top of your car if you parked it where you spawn after the cut-scene. Yay-Ka-Boom-Boom?

  1. 100%: train your muscles by running in a couple of waiting times: examples:
  • after Badlands races
  • Against All Odds after "activating" the satchels - run against the wall until the cutscene starts
  • The Green Sabre: after getting out of Cesar's car before the cut-scene
  1. You can despawn boats like cars, I haven't had a new boat spawn when camera twitching, yet.
  2. Using camera twitching when looking for specific/decent cars: examples
  • for bust warping
  • in Madd Dogg's Rhymes on the bicycle
  • in Snail Trail
GermanyPatrick_9 years ago

Edit: seams like a bit of work to set up, if you feel hesitant: think back to the runs this bullshit has destroyed. Do it vividly. ;)

This whole post is old info, but I want everyone to know about it, so I repeat it here: The cheat DDDDDDDAAAAAADWD is 9 times more likely to be entered accidentally than any other WASD-cheat combined. It's as if WASD were designed for activating that cheat. ;)

The solution is to use a different keyboard layout that does not have an easy to enter cheat code: The "Dvorak, left handed" layout is 10 times less likely to activate a cheat than the conventional layout, according to Nixixix' simulations.

You can set it up in a way that you only use the "Dvorak...left" layout when you want to - i.e. when playing the game. How to do it? well, system languages differ, but I'll try, I use Windows 7. Windows 8 users: read 4) in my instructions, try to do the same in your OS , use this tutorial for the rest:

1)Windows button on the keyboard -> enter "language" -> click "region and language" 2)on top of that window, click "keyboards and languages", then "change keyboards" 3)"add" -> English (USA) -> Dvorak....left.... -> OK 4)on top of the window: advanced settings -> on bottom of the window: change hotkeys -> unless you normally use a USA layout, set the hotkey "change input language" to sth. like "CTRL+Shift"

Since your default layout has not changed (you only added one), you have to press CTRL+Shift ingame to switch to "Dvorak...left" and that will only affect your layout ingame, nowhere else, afaik.

Now, adapt your control settings.^^

GermanyPatrick_9 years ago

I'm mostly interested in the differences for speedrunning (this probably excludes the graphics)

  1. does it allow variable traffic (little, classic, a lot) ; can it be toggled quickly?
  2. is the manual aiming usable? (on PS2, the sensitivity was frustratingly high)
  3. can you skip less cutscenes/calls as in the mobile versions?
  4. how prone to crashing is it?

Edit: those are just a few questions I came up with, feel free to talk about different things.

GermanyPatrick_9 years ago

This is an old idea of mine and Fatzke got it to work (I didn't and still don't have saves for my esoteric game version). When it is fully pollished, it should be worth it, also it looks really cool (Foot% strats :D). download stream <-- original twitch highlight - twitch servers DansGame

Probably it is best to use the shotgun to finish the pushed van and Voodoo off. You can probably go as near to the spawn location of the final car as you want, since "Diaz was ambushed and died! Next time keep him in your sights!" is disabled, once the second Van spawned, if I got the main.scm right.

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About Patrick_
YouTube: @patrickb.4749 and @noob3132 Discord: patrick6961 Twitch:
9 years ago
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Games run
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Last run 5 years ago