You have revived me. I must return to NBS Here is the math that was done on why dark passage beats out sunny flight
(Dropping this here as well to reach the most eyes) Wow... This is disgusting Elitist behaviour. Who are you to decide what level of effort someone is putting into a run, and more importantly, why does it even matter? Speedrunning is a hobby that should be accessible to all. Everybody starts somewhere, and that somewhere probably isn't within a 30% threshold of WR, but does that mean they don't deserve to document their run the same as everyone else? No matter how you try to justify this decision just know that from any single person looking in on this from the outside all this looks like is a team of lazy moderators who decided they weren't going to "waste their time" even acknowledging people if their runs aren't close enough to WR to be considered worthy. Essentially saying "get lost kiddo. We don't want your slow ass around here making the rest of us look bad" But what you fail to see is the only thing that makes your leaderboards ugly is this ruleset.
Mod's "not having enough time" to verify runs is a cop out and I will not accept it. Sure it's a volunteer job that people do for the love of a game/community and nobody can be expected to do mod duties at any particular time, but that being said if you no longer are interested in verifying runs maybe you shouldn't moderate anymore. Pass the torch on to someone with more time and motivation to verify runs. Shouldn't be that hard to find someone either since "your community is so large"
Also I don't even understand what yall are worried about when it comes to slow runs being verified. it's not like there is a time limit for verification. Do it at your leisure. Slower runs will take longer to be verified but oh well. I'm sure people would be understanding of that. Or like I've seen others mention, don't even bother actually verifying runs that are that slow. Genuinely who cares if someone lied about being 75th place on the leaderboards. That doesn't diminish the accomplishments of those at the top of the leaderboards.
Having lower times on the board encourages new runners to submit / stick around. It's discouraging to pick up a game and see that you aren't even on the leaderboards with your time. And to also have the leaderboards not even be a true representative of the average persons experience progressing their speedruns is demoralizing. You think wow am I the worst person to ever try speedrunning this? But then it turns out nope, there were others like you that finished with similar times but their runs were removed for being too slow.
Saying that "if you put effort into your run and follow proper strats and routing you won't ever have an issue with this rule" is just not true. You don't get to dictate what people's starting skill level is, you don't get to dictate how they choose to learn the routes, you don't even get to dictate if they choose to learn the routes. Take a step back for a second and imagine someone wants to speedrun this and has literally never played a RE game before. Do you really think they would have "no issue" achieving a fast enough time? Speedrunners tend to forget after their hundreds or thousands of hours in a game that not every person has the innate knowledge and understanding of the game that they do and something that may be very simple and straight forward to them will be confusing and difficult to a new player who doesn't understand the nuances of a given game yet.
Speedrunning is a hobby for many people, some just do it for fun and never intend to be a top level player, but maybe still want to be able to look at the various runs they've done across various game all in one convenient place (SRC) . And others are more engaged in the competitive aspect, reaching for top spots on the leaderboards and constantly seeking to improve. Both are valid and both deserve a space here. It is very authoritarian of you to decide who does and who doesn't get to participate in your community based on whether you deem them skilled enough or not.
This decision might be one of the worst decisions ever made by a mod team on SRC. RE4 will be the absolute laughing stock of speedrunning communities everywhere if this decision is not modified or reversed. I know you think you will be more respected if all your leaderboard times are competitive but i promise you it isn't that deep. Not a single person in the real world cares about how fast you play a video game
Wow... This is disgusting Elitist behaviour. Who are you to decide what level of effort someone is putting into a run, and more importantly, why does it even matter? Speedrunning is a hobby that should be accessible to all. Everybody starts somewhere, and that somewhere probably isn't within a 30% threshold of WR, but does that mean they don't deserve to document their run the same as everyone else? No matter how you try to justify this decision just know that from any single person looking in on this from the outside all this looks like is a team of lazy moderators who decided they weren't going to "waste their time" even acknowledging people if their runs aren't close enough to WR to be considered worthy. Essentially saying "get lost kiddo. We don't want your slow ass around here making the rest of us look bad" But what you fail to see is the only thing that makes your leaderboards ugly is this ruleset.
Mod's "not having enough time" to verify runs is a cop out and I will not accept it. Sure it's a volunteer job that people do for the love of a game/community and nobody can be expected to do mod duties at any particular time, but that being said if you no longer are interested in verifying runs maybe you shouldn't moderate anymore. Pass the torch on to someone with more time and motivation to verify runs. Shouldn't be that hard to find someone either since "your community is so large"
Also I don't even understand what yall are worried about when it comes to slow runs being verified. it's not like there is a time limit for verification. Do it at your leisure. Slower runs will take longer to be verified but oh well. I'm sure people would be understanding of that. Or like I've seen others mention, don't even bother actually verifying runs that are that slow. Genuinely who cares if someone lied about being 75th place on the leaderboards. That doesn't diminish the accomplishments of those at the top of the leaderboards.
Having lower times on the board encourages new runners to submit / stick around. It's discouraging to pick up a game and see that you aren't even on the leaderboards with your time. And to also have the leaderboards not even be a true representative of the average persons experience progressing their speedruns is demoralizing. You think wow am I the worst person to ever try speedrunning this? But then it turns out nope, there were others like you that finished with similar times but their runs were removed for being too slow.
Saying that "if you put effort into your run and follow proper strats and routing you won't ever have an issue with this rule" is just not true. You don't get to dictate what people's starting skill level is, you don't get to dictate how they choose to learn the routes, you don't even get to dictate if they choose to learn the routes. Take a step back for a second and imagine someone wants to speedrun this and has literally never played a RE game before. Do you really think they would have "no issue" achieving a fast enough time? Speedrunners tend to forget after their hundreds or thousands of hours in a game that not every person has the innate knowledge and understanding of the game that they do and something that may be very simple and straight forward to them will be confusing and difficult to a new player who doesn't understand the nuances of a given game yet.
Speedrunning is a hobby for many people, some just do it for fun and never intend to be a top level player, but maybe still want to be able to look at the various runs they've done across various game all in one convenient place (SRC) . And others are more engaged in the competitive aspect, reaching for top spots on the leaderboards and constantly seeking to improve. Both are valid and both deserve a space here. It is very authoritarian of you to decide who does and who doesn't get to participate in your community based on whether you deem them skilled enough or not.
This decision might be one of the worst decisions ever made by a mod team on SRC. RE4 will be the absolute laughing stock of speedrunning communities everywhere if this decision is not modified or reversed. I know you think you will be more respected if all your leaderboard times are competitive but i promise you it isn't that deep. Not a single person in the real world cares about how fast you play a video game
On the same note as surf on console you can even close the application and relaunch it so if you for whatever reason didn't pause immediately at the end of your run, by closing and relaunching the application it will show the IGT you had upon completion and not the 1-3 seconds you may have lost by pausing too slow
That ultimately comes down to what you define as a "glitch" many people have different definitions for it
I played active cam for probably my first 6 months running this game but i swapped to passive cam for the sake of normalcy. I feel like with passive camera I know what my camera is going to do at any given time but with active cam theres too many variables. For the sake of setting up tricks I chose passive cam
I bought this game in a combo pack on the switch for $3 and was escited to see it has a really cool speedrun, but I've noticed not a single person has submitted a run on a platform other than PC or Linux.
Are there any hurdles to running on console other than not having access to the debug tool to help you find collison boxes.
Thanks for the help in advance!
Just got this game on PC and thought I would check out the speedrun for it. When I came here I saw that the PC any% leaderboard was empty. Pretty strange I thought, surely people have run any% on PC before. WR on a main leaderboard for a game thats been out this long surely can't be literally free.
After a little more digging I see that theres a category extension that is any% pc with gummis? or something to that tune, and thats where all the PC any% runs are.
What is the difference in these categories? What would qualify a run to be submittable on the main PC any% board?
I would say 1hr 30m igt might be close, but times all the way down to just over an hour are possible.
Which category are you running? That will vastly change the answer to this question