Patched Zoomies Board Wipe Poll [CLOSED]
Patched Zoomies Board Wipe Poll [CLOSED]
Posted 1 year ago by

We are running a poll to determine whether the full game boards should get wiped for this upcoming update when zoomies (rocket clipping) are patched. This does not include act, layer or IL runs.

If the board does get wiped then it will, of course, get archived as per usual.

There is an option for determining whether you can still submit to the old boards. I am not doing a restricted/un-restricted thing because its way more of a hassle for effectively the same result.

The poll ends when the update is out which could be tomorrow or it could be in a month. I have no idea. Feel free to debate with each other about the poll topic in the #speedruns channel in the discord until then.

Thank you and looking forward to seeing those 5-S and P-2 speedruns! -B.G.B.

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Speedrun Competition and Updated Base Game Rules

If you have not seen ULTRAKILL is finally having a speedrunner competition for real money!!! It starts in about four hours from the time I am making this news post, in fact its probably already started when you are reading this so click the challenges widget on the right and read up on the rules and

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