Tool: TeardownTools v.1.5.4
TeardownTools v.1.5.4
Updated 4 months ago by Dylenoyer94

Here's yet another updated version of TeardownTools that now works for v.1.5.4!

This is our community's utility for Teardown speedrunning. Among other things, this tool allows you to report your time down to the millisecond. Setup% Runs without this tool will be penalized with 999ms and Alarm% with 99ms.

I made a few small changes to the way the information is shown on the end screen, since we use the timing under speedrun stats for timing runs (Setup% and Alarm%) I changed the order of the stats on the end screen so that the speedrun stats are on the top now, and also had to fix the text size and spacing again since if left as default there would be some overlap, where the stats would intersect the buttons on the bottom of the end screen. Glad I got another working version of TeardownTools, I do hope that they eventually add the milliseconds to the times on the end screen, the game tracks it so I'm not sure why they choose to not show it, either way you can see them now with this newly updated TeardownTools!

Download the .zip, open Teardown's local files, place the .zip in the local files and then extract here. You'll be prompted with a confirmation for file replacement, just press "Yes" and let it replace the existing file, now you're all set to go, happy speedrunning!