Teardown Tools Installation not working
6 months ago
Lower Saxony, Germany

Wanted to get into Teardown speedrunning but when trying to install teardowntools it doesnt work. The guide is completly off from what I see now, I have extracted the files, i put them into the same folder, replacing files screws up game, skipping them makes it not work, selecting them all doesnt work. Is there a new and updated guide somewhere to installing it or no?

Dylenoyer94 likes this

You should just extract the files. But before doing that; in Steam, right click Teardown and click properties, go to Betas section at the left, and choose prev_build Version 1.4. This is an earlier version of the game with no big differences (I haven't noticed any). TeardownTools is not up-to-date (for a few years) and it's not compatible with the newest version. I tried this and it worked.

Dylenoyer94 likes this
Washington, USA

Using Version 1.4 is acceptable as yes there are no major differences, we're currently looking into a fix for TeardownTools since after the most recent update to the game it made it not compatible anymore, we found a small fix that can fix the time shown on the end screen but we're looking into it more before making it live for download, once we find out exactly how we want it we'll update the link for TeardownTools as soon as possible but we are aware of TeardownTools not working properly and we'll have it fixed soon enough!

Hopeenuoli likes this
Keski-Suomi, Finland

I don't mean to pry, but is there a time estimate for when TeardownTools will be fixed? Thanks in advance!

Dylenoyer94 likes this
Washington, USA

You're not prying by asking this, I'm not very tech-savvy when it comes to coding so I'm still looking into it but I may have somebody lend a hand with making it work again, Bigpumkin and Smellyalater were the ones who made to mod in the first place, Smelly is gone on hiatus with irl stuff with an undetermined return time and Bigpumkin is no longer a part of the speedrun community for this game, I've tried to reach out to them with no response as of yet.

If you'd like to speedrun Teardown with the benefit of TeardownTools then you are more than welcome to use v.1.4 of the game, this can be selected and used by going to the Teardown steam page, right clicking on Teardown on the left side where your library is, go to properties, then go to the tab "Betas" and you can select v.1.4 there, TeardownTools still works with this version of the game and to my knowledge there aren't any big changes with these two versions, the only difference I know of if the change to the UI of the game but other than that there doesn't seem to be any differences.

I'm trying to get TeardownTools working soon but without the knowhow it's been difficult, so bare with us and we'll try to get it operational as soon as possible!

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