super hexagon true 100%
10 months ago

420 seconds in hexagon (to get hexagon, hyper hexagon, hyper hexagon 2, hyper hexagoner, hyper hexagoner 2, hyper hexagonest, void, and "awesome")

300 seconds in hexagoner (hexagoner, hyper hexagoner, hyper hexagoner 2, hyper hexagonest, void, and "awesome")

180 seconds on hexagonest (hexagonest, hyper hexagonest, void, and "awesome")

360 seconds on hyper hexagon (hyper hexagon, hyper hexagon 2, hyper hexagoner, hyper hexagoner 2, hyper hexagonest, void, and "awesome")

240 seconds on hyper hexagoner (hyper hexagoner, hyper hexagoner 2, hyper hexagonest, void, and "awesome")

120 seconds on hyper hexagonest (hyper hexagonest, void, and "awesome")


I think it's the bad idea

Thanks for your feedback. This leaderboard is not very large at the moment so implementing a mode that only a couple people would finish isn't ideal. That said, I'll keep this in consideration and if others present this idea we can reconsider.

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Thank you all for your patience as we brainstormed, tested, and implemented a way to moderate runs done on software from before and after the “Neo” update. All of your submissions are now up-to-date, and they are displayed in the appropriate section on the updated leaderboard. The new le

1 month ago