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70 Star in 59m 28s by
The video for this run is at risk of being deleted by Twitch

Took a couple of unsubmitted PBs, and even more choked runs in tippy, but at long last, WE FINALLY DID IT!!! :')

Could, of course, still go for improvement, but lemme give you a quick list of reasons why that is NOT a good idea:

  • I don't recall many MAJOR mistakes in this run, save for a stupid death in RR, hence why I went for absolute Weenie Hut Jr. certified ™ strats there afterwards,
  • Sub 1 was pretty much my only goal for this category, and I came back mainly just to get it and be done with it (loving the PEACE so far),
  • No matter how much I practice RR, I ALWAYS find a way to choke it in runs, and I'm sooo over that,
  • The left analog stick on my controller is not gonna take many more Bowser throws before becoming completely unusable lmao,
  • After this grind, I just need a nice GIANT break from this game... MIGHT be back if I ever manage to get a proper N64 setup, or at the very least, a "controller with notches + a separate controller for throws" kinda setup for EMU, but until then, I guess I'll just stick to watching people who are actually good at it, and maybe do some random IL practice from time to time, if I every feel like it.

Anyway.. thanks for coming to my ted talk, GGs, and here's to (hopefully) many more amazing speedrun achievements! :)

70 Star
59m 28s
2 years ago
USA / NTSCN64ᴇᴍᴜ
2 years ago
2 years ago
Time splits
Provided by
#NameSplitFinished at
1INTRO, Bomb/Chomp (1)1m 40s 339ms1m 40s 339ms
2WF (8)4m 55s 610ms6m 35s 949ms
3Peach' Slide (10)1m 38s 001ms8m 13s 950ms
4Wing Cap Tower (11)0m 39s 598ms8m 53s 548ms
5BitDW w/ Reds! (12)2m 06s 278ms10m 59s 826ms
6BoB Island Star (13)0m 50s 967ms11m 50s 793ms
7CCM (18)3m 51s 961ms15m 42s 754ms
8BBH (20)1m 47s 958ms17m 30s 712ms
9Mips 1 + SSL (24)2m 35s 442ms20m 06s 154ms
10LLL (30)4m 33s 610ms24m 39s 764ms
11DDD (33)2m 55s 005ms27m 34s 769ms
12BitFS w/ Reds! (34)
2m 18s 002ms29m 52s 771ms
13WDW (39)4m 29s 848ms34m 22s 619ms
14THI (42)2m 20s 029ms36m 42s 648ms
15Toad 1 + TTM (48)3m 38s 300ms40m 20s 948ms
16SL (53)3m 26s 102ms43m 47s 050ms
17Mips&Toad 2 + HMC (59)3m 49s 547ms47m 36s 597ms
18RR (63)4m 28s 857ms52m 05s 454ms
19TTC (69)4m 46s 253ms56m 51s 707ms
20Toad 3 (70) + BitS (END)2m 37s 136ms59m 28s 843ms
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