IL Runs?
6 years ago
Toronto, ON, Canada

It would be nice to have an IL leaderboard on here. Sorry if I'm just not seeing it and we have one, but I'll ask anyways.

BGP, Thog_n and 5 others like this

Never been a fan of this idea as there's no in-game IL timer, but I'm not totally opposed to it.

If there's a decent demand for IL boards, I'll make them.

BGP, ThePigKing and 2 others like this
United States

This would be a nice addition because it would open the possibility of a good segmented run

Gaming_64 and BGP like this
Maryland, USA

off-topic cheese biscuits

United States

I would like an IL section for most levels, I just wonder about level one. I feel like it would be like 20 first places.

BGP likes this
Florida, USA

ILs are now on this leaderboard:

Gaming_64, BGP, and YTK_Bowser like this
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Individual Level Submissions are Open on This Leaderboard

(copied from discord announcement)

The migration of IL runs from Red Ball Category Extensions has been completed. ILs are now hosted on the Level leaderboard of each individual game in the Red Ball series. The RBCE IL board will remain up for a few days until everything has been archived, but no

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