100% Requirements
3 years ago

So it seems there isn't a final count of certain items like in 7, so what would we include for 100%?

What I think should be included: Goats of Warding (20) Labyrinths (4) Meals (6) (Although it appears some of the ingredients are NG+) Boss Crystal Forms (In case a skip is found) (4) Combinable Treasures (5)

What could be added but are a bit sketchy and I think are a bit much: Backpack upgrades Weapon upgrades Mini Boss Crystal Forms (The Daughters, the Axe Dude, Hammer Dude)

Those who want to run 100%, what are your thoughts on what should be included?

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Keitaro_Tv likes this

I've since discovered that the Goats of Warding don't respawn once you get them... at all. So either we forgo it as a requirement (Which, IMO, takes out most of the point of even doing 100%), or we have to reinstall the game for each run, which is a bit much.

Keitaro_Tv likes this

The meals also don't reset so unless we want to do a multi-run all achievements with the above things to include weapon upgrades I don't think 100% is viable. That being said, an all achievements run would be interesting


But even then, the achievements are file wide and would also require a total reset like reinstalling the game. It's a bit of an ask for every run. I don't think 100% is viable for 8 unfortunately.

ThatGuyBlain likes this

But with that in mind, possible things seem to be: All Boss-crystals (4) Mini-Boss Crystals (Axe-Guy, Hammer-Guy, Big Bad Wolf) Big Treasures (Golden on the map, like 6 I guess) All combinables (5) All Labyrinths (4)

Maybe the three Images?

Edited by the author 3 years ago

That sounds like a decent amount. Maybe the Big Treasures include the Golden Chests on the Map

Mississippi, USA

Goats of warding (20 of these) Ball Labrynths (4 of these) Meals (6 of these) Combined Treasures (5 of these) Unique Treasures (Stuff there's only one of, like: Lady's Lipstick, Teddy Bear, Boss Crystals) Weapons themselves and their attachments (upgrades shouldn't count, since they can't be physically picked up or missed)

As mentioned, there's a few issues like Goats and Meals saving through playthroughs.


The other issue with Meals is that some appear to be NG+, as you can't get the high quality ingredients in a standard NG playthrough. But if we figure out the cross save issue then the ones that can be done in NG should be done, and for NG+ runs all have to be done (which means having a set up file that doesn't have any of the meals previously completed)

Mississippi, USA

What quality ingredients are NG+ only, because I've gotten quality meat and finest fish during my very first playthrough. I didn't bother to look for juicy game because I never found the need to upgrade my health.

United States

In regards to @Kartini and the food concern, all of the high quality meats are available on a NG save, none of them seem restricted to NG+. The enemies that drop the rare foods spawn in very specific places, and theres enough spare food between killing the animal spawns and the food in the stronghold side area(where you fight the axe guy, i can't remember the exact name) to complete them all in a single run. Its just a matter of them saving between runs that would be the problem.

Kartini likes this
United States

Quality meat comes from the pig by Fallow Plot. Juicy Game comes from the blue bird on the tree in the Graveyard. Finest Fish is south of Lone Road. (Ride the boat down the river and it’s golden) So it’s definitely possible to get the “rare/special” ingredients in one playthrough. The one thing I haven’t looked at personally yet is, IS there in fact enough of the other food to buy all the cooking recipes in one play through. I believe there is, but I haven’t don’t enough normal runs to check.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Ahh it was just because i found none of them that I thought they were NG+


The Discord had a quick discussion, and for the Mods for easy reference, here's the suggestion for 100%:

All Boss-crystals (4) Mini-Boss Crystals (Axe-Guy, Hammer-Guy, Big Bad Wolf) (You could just say all types of crystals, because the enemies tend to drop at least one of their types just going through anyway) Big Treasures (Golden Chests on the map) All combinable Treasures (5, 11 Pieces) All Unique Treasures was also mentioned but that might be hard to classify All Labyrinths (4) All Meals (6) (In the same vein, all Hunting locations was suggested, which would probably go hand in hand with all meals)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Missouri, USA

I love this idea, I think part of what makes this game so great is how open it is. It would be a shame if we didn't try to have some sort of longer category.


What about all story weapons? Depends on the difficulty but it's possible to skip the magnum and grenade launcher. But could be to expensive for one run with the weapons you get at the factory.

Second point would be weapon attachements you could find? (Like wolfsbane ammo thingy in factory)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Reno, NV, USA

I definitely think all weapons should be included. I mean, all ones that are attainable within standard NG.

New York City, NY, USA

I agree with all weapons, as well as all non-purchasable upgrades. And maybe it's heavy handed but I also think all fixed treasures should be obtained, too. This means all stones and crystals, all unique and combinable treasures, and all limited enemy drops. But I guess this would be more like the less popular All Minor Treasures RE4 alternative, which is fine too.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

You need to scrap your 100% guide, it's pretty outdated and missing information.

Texas, USA

Just a note, Cvnuck was actually looking for a guide to 100% all achievements for Playstation. We pointed them in the right direction in the discord. That said, please direct any other conversation about the 100% NG run to the thread I started a couple days ago instead of this one, so we don't confuse newcomers with two different discussions of requirements, different guides, etc. Thanks!

Thread can be found here: https://www.speedrun.com/re8/thread/azg6v