Sub-weapon Stair Skating
4 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

I've been holding onto this one for about a week or so now b/c I'm just so lazy w/ the editing and narrating. I decided to just throw it out there w/o the narrating and explain it via text post.

To start, your main weapon needs to be unequipped. For some reason, while your main weapon is equipped, the time it takes to get to the ready animation for your sub-weapons is delayed. Once the main weapon is unequipped, the ready animation for the sub-weapon can start in the first frame. Because the animation starts in the first frame, it can be cancelled just like with aim, making it a viable target for stair skating.

Sub-weapon stair skating is very fast due to the fact that it has a short recovery animation & you can cancel at any point but there's 2 main problems:

  1. It does not work in every room
  2. It requires the main weapon to be unequipped, leading to setups for the inventory where you need to make it accessible for unequipping.

Due to the inconsistencies, I'm not sure if it could be used for runs (which made me even more lazier when it comes to releasing it lol). But anyways, here it is, use it for whatever you want and good luck with it!

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