Easiest/quickest route for a NEW player to learn?
2 years ago
Utah, USA
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

Ganondoor route would probably be good From my very non-expert knowledge, it’s fairly easy to learn.

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Defeat ganon or GSR

Defeat ganon warps to the end of the game and kills ganon as child. if you do the easiest route can be reasonably beaten under 30 minutes,

Gsr is a longer category but has more fundamental tricks,

for your purpose defeat ganon Kak route is probably good

yolnol likes this
Bavaria, Germany

so back then when i started learning i watched this one and if you do all the baby strats you can still easily beat the game in under 30 mins GL

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Utah, USA
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

I was actually looking for that video to share here but couldn’t find it lol

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