4 years ago

Can someone explain how killing the bosses in PTTR is beating the game any%? It isn't. You aren't reaching the end, all youre doing is killing some tougher enemies, an example of any% would be if you somehow found a way to warp to the results screen, this is not speedrunning the game im sorry, beating the levels is.

Glamorganshire, Wales

Hi there. It's a fair comment to make, it does differ from other any% ideas and the category shouldn't really be called any%, but it's not the specifications which are a problem, it's just the category name. It's just about killing the level bosses as quickly as possible, in a sense that would be what you'd do in another game to win, perhaps that's why it transfers over here.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
London, England

the term any% for what should be called "killallbosses%" stems from emerald when he created the category; it is a flawed term but we've stuck with it

RaggedDan and ollymuirs_ like this

i was hella confused browsing the category for the first time, it should probably be called something else to be fair

zychik likes this

to add, in this game, in order to finish the level, you HAVE to kill everyone, that is the requirement to exit (and so finish) the level

RaggedDan likes this
Glamorganshire, Wales

@ElPerro makes a good point, I wasn't here when the categories were named but perhaps it's time for a change in category names?

Edited by the author 4 years ago

please do, it is currently confusing and incorrect

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