Possible limit reached at 1:05?
5 years ago
London, England

Although there's been quite the improvement from the 2:00 runs of the past, I am increasingly becoming convinced that 1:05, or at most 1:00, is the limit of any% without crazy RNG or other strategies being implemented. My sum of best is 1:06, and that's including runs where I got extremely lucky with katana boss.

I'd like to ask you all, what do you think? Is sub 1 possible?

Glamorganshire, Wales

To get a sub 1:05 on any%:

  • The biker boss must be killed precisely
  • It would be beneficial for the guys to open the downstairs door as it saves a second
  • You'd have to get stuck on no doors in disco
  • Kill Katana boss using only the nunchucks and machete.
  • Get out of the prison office with no hitches
  • Have nobody obscure the door to solitary
  • Kill the prisoner with the first shot as soon as he leaves the cell
  • Kill Blackbeard in 5 ham hits On top of all of that, the menus would have to contain no misclicks at any point.

I think a sub 1 is pretty much impossible - unless a new glitch or strategy can be found.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
zychik and Maykl like this
She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
4 years ago


breadman7 and RaggedDan like this
She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
4 years ago

lol but even more

RaggedDan likes this
Glamorganshire, Wales

Well I did say new strategy

She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
4 years ago

the new start didn't shave all the time off though, menus were done faster too


lol but even even more

RaggedDan likes this

what is 'any%'

She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
3 years ago

ur mom

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