Possible limit reached at 1:05?
Although there's been quite the improvement from the 2:00 runs of the past, I am increasingly becoming convinced that 1:05, or at most 1:00, is the limit of any% without crazy RNG or other strategies being implemented. My sum of best is 1:06, and that's including runs where I got extremely lucky with katana boss.
I'd like to ask you all, what do you think? Is sub 1 possible?
To get a sub 1:05 on any%:
- The biker boss must be killed precisely
- It would be beneficial for the guys to open the downstairs door as it saves a second
- You'd have to get stuck on no doors in disco
- Kill Katana boss using only the nunchucks and machete.
- Get out of the prison office with no hitches
- Have nobody obscure the door to solitary
- Kill the prisoner with the first shot as soon as he leaves the cell
- Kill Blackbeard in 5 ham hits On top of all of that, the menus would have to contain no misclicks at any point.
I think a sub 1 is pretty much impossible - unless a new glitch or strategy can be found.
Edited by the author
the new start didn't shave all the time off though, menus were done faster too
Beneath Modifiers added to the Level Leaderboard
Added on the 9th of October but the page update came through today
Recent runs
Level: Biker Bar
Level: Saloon
Level: Prison